AllOnTheBus said:
Yes I did see that worked for you.

I do have a restore point from a driver install last night. I added about 7 sites to my
favourites list last night before that to. As I said , I'm not really to worried about it anyway
but I have a restore point there if I want it. I would like to send a note to the Win 8 developers though!
Dear Win 8 developer - please add a button for Favourites which allows the user to sort
Favourites by Date Added even AFTER they have changed to sort by name and without having
to do a restore - thankyou Mr. Windows developmental man/ woman

That'd be a good idea, just make sure you add which version of Internet explore and what operating system. Not sure if that would really matter, but more info is always better. :) let us know if you get a response. :)