smarteyeball said:
Makes sense. The controller disparity would have lead to unbalanced play and a shitstorm of whining.

While controllers are good for what they are, quick and precise aiming is not one of their fortes. I bounce back and forth between controller/mouse KB roughly 50% of the time - and I hate aiming with a controller. Slow and bloody cumbersome thing it is.

Unless controllers become more precise, it's a hurdle that's likely to keep a project like this grounded for good.

wat docdude said:
Shadowrun (2007 video game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I remember this coming out a while back, but other than that I don't know of any other games.
That's the one I was thinking of! So much hype for 'the new' direction in Online gaming. It was touted as a 'DX10' flagship title too...
seriously with a control you get stuck once in a while like duh don't know how to position correctly