Well my friend, I may be wrong here but I do believe both sticks may be faulty. I can not guarantee this 100% but it is a safe bet. The only way to know for sure is to test your rig with another RAM (from a friend or an old ram you have, etc).

Either this method or try to re install everything from scratch and start choosing from here what may be wrong with it. Taking everything apart and re-seatting it back, cpu, fans, cables, wires, etc, etc.

I am not a PC Guru or even well experienced in this matters, I have built a few rigs but still, there are times that I need help from friends (like here) or google to finish what I have started... hard to pin point the exact issue.. it all points out to your RAM going bad. I have had problems with some RAM going wrong for me twice. If you have warranty you are in luck, if not, well, you are SOL and need to buy new ram.