Ran across this thread while reseaching another subject -
Problem restated - Desire to initiate running a bat file from a network share without using RDP, etc. tools
Solution -
Make a bat file that runs at a set time (scheduled task) or event (Logon script)
Step 1. Make a local bat file and copied to each server that does the folllowing steps
a) Checks for current flag on network share. This could be version number inside a file, or an if exists stepment where the names of the servers are in a run_now folder
b) possible pre-execute stage is write to a log file on share so that know run recieved
c) Execute target bat file
d) post execute stage, remove flag (update local version number so will not re-run or remove server named file from run_now) Both methods have good points. In the run now folder I can at a glance see which machines have not run, in the version method, the local machine version info will tell me when the last update was run.

If you have servers in groups, then a simple push bat file would set things up. For the if exists method
Push FishTeam would just have a series of xcopy with Fish1, fish2, etc. being copied to the Run_now folder

For version number, you can have groups of servers in the version control file.
So Fish would go from 2.5 to 2.6 would mean all the servers configured for Fish would now update.

I have used both and the bat programming is easy. It mainly is which is easier to wrap head around what is going on.