Keylogger issue

  1. Posts : 201
    Windows 8 Pro

    Keylogger issue

    Hi I just got a replacement hardrive through RMA. After I initialize the drive I shut the computer off. Later on when I got back on this came up.

    behavior similar to keylogger detected. Now I read where Kaspersky is giving people who use this anti-virus some problems with this. So far im running a bunch of scans. But in the mean time I put the word keylogger in the search thingy by the all programs and this came up.


    @       = $DlgAttrBase mg(0,0) alias(taskview) at(resizable,minimizable,a_close) sz(720,570) oninit(l_currep=ctl.defList) h($IsKAT ? 15761 : 15765)
    Header  = [MainReport_Header]
    Body    = [MainReport_Body]
    defList = t(list) visible(0)
    @       = sz(p,53) at(singleline,fixstyle) ta(lc) bg("MainWindowHeader") f("Header1") extprm(1)
    hdr     = [ProductHeader] sz(p,p)
    Save    = [BtnGlass] sz($Button_Medium_CX,$Button_CY) a(rc) xy(28) onclick(l_currep.savereport()) use(!$IsKAT)
    @               = sz(p,p) alias(navigator) at(enum,loadpages) btns(Task) a(la) mg(7,7) xy(,,,$DialogPanelSizeY)
    Navigator       = [MainReport_Body_Navigator]
    _client_area    = a(la) sz(p,p)
    @           = sz(p,a) xy(,,,7) oninit(ctl.Statistic.value=1)
    Task        = [MainReport_Body_Navigator_Task]
    Group       = $Combo sz(a,a) a(at) xy(,,7) v(l_currep.curview()) items(vector(l_currep.getview()) text(ViewName) v(ViewId))
    Filter      = [MainReport_Body_Navigator_Filter]
    Warn        = $Link a(as) xy(7,3) i("warning") visible(ctl.Filter.All.selected && !global.FullReport) onclick(window("OptionsWindow:Reports")) use(!$IsKAT)
    Statistic   = $ToolButton a(rt) ia(cc) i("Toolbox,0,0,0,0,0,0") enable(s_IsStatisticsEnabled(ctl.Task.value)) use(!$IsKAT)
    $ReportNavTask = at(radiolike) text(switch(, "ProfileName")) use(f_isInstalled(
    @               = $Combo sz(a,a) dl(20) rs(0,0) xy(,,7)
    Protection      = text($Protection) at(radiolike) use(!$IsProtectionNotInstalled)
    Hips            = $ReportNavTask
    File_Monitoring = $ReportNavTask
    Mail_Monitoring = $ReportNavTask
    Web_Monitoring = $ReportNavTask
    IM_Monitoring = $ReportNavTask
    Firewall    = $ReportNavTask
    pdm         = $ReportNavTask
    ids         = $ReportNavTask
    ;OnlineSecurity  = text($ids) at(radiolike) use(f_isInstalled(
    Anti_Spam   = $ReportNavTask
    AdBlocker   = $ReportNavTask
    ParCtl      = $ReportNavTask
    ;ContentFilter   = text($ContentFilter) at(radiolike) use(f_isInstalled(
    Scan            = text($Scan_Objects) at(radiolike)
    Updater         = text($Updater) at(radiolike) use(f_isInstalled(
    AVZ_Scan        = text($AVZ_Scan) at(radiolike) use(f_isInstalled(
    @           = $Combo sz(a,a) rs(0,0) at(rememberdata) onchange(l_currep.setfilter(ctl.value,3)) a(at)
    Critical    = v("Severity <= #eNotifySeverityError")
    Important   = v("Severity <= #eNotifySeverityImportant") at(default)
    All         = v("")
    @       = t(splitter) at(rememberdata) sz(p,p) ext(1) v(65000)
    Group1  = extprm(1) sz(p,p)
    Stat    = [ProfileReportStat]
    @       = extprm(1) sz(p,p) visible(ctl.Statistic.value)
    Group2  = extprm(1) sz(p,p) visible(!ctl.EnableChart.value || !$GVF_HAS_STAT )
    Group3  = extprm(1) sz(p,p) visible(!ctl.Group2.visible) b(System) mg(10,10,10,10) bg("ColorWindow")
    @       = ext(1) sz(p,p)
    Report  = [Product_Events_Report]
    @           = $List at(rememberdata) alias(taskevents) refresh(100) a(la) extprm(1) onshow(l_currep=ctl.Report;ctl.Group.reinit();ctl.setfilter(ctl.Filter.value,3))
    Time        = sz(150) text(datetimeDT(Timestamp)) group(date,dategroupDT(Timestamp),default) sort(index,sortup) filter(auto,s_date(dategroupDT(Timestamp))) extprm(1)
    Application = [Product_Events_Report_Application]
    Task        = sz(80,a) text($TaskText) extprm(1) group(task,TaskID) filter(auto)
    Verdict     = [Product_Events_Report_Verdict]
    Action      = sz(160) text($ActionText) group(Action) extprm(1) filter(auto,$ActionText,Product_Events_Report_Action_Filter) use(f_isInstalled("HipsTask"))
    InSandbox    = sz(a) text($ObjectInSandboxText) at(nosort) use(f_isInstalled("SandBox"))
    Object      = [Product_Events_Report_Object]
    OldObject   = [Product_Events_Report_OldObject]
    Size        = sz(a,a) use(0) extprm(1) text($ObjectSizeText) sort(ExtraInfoSub2)
    Reason      = sz(80,a) text($ReasonText) filter(custom,,Product_Events_Report_Reason_Filter) extprm(1)
    row         = at(clickable) i($RepEventIcon) bg($RepEventBg) onrclick(menu("Product_Events_Report_Menu"))
    views       = extprm(1)
    @           = sz(280) text($AppName) group(AppGroup,AppID) extprm(1) i($AppIcon)
    Name        = sz(a) text($AppModule) i($AppIcon)
    Path        = sz(a) text($AppPath)
    PID         = sz(a) text($hasNativePID ? $AppNativePID : "") group(PIDGroup,PID)
    CommandLine = sz(a) text($AppCmdLine)
    @               = sz(p) rs(40) text($VerdictText) group(Verdict) filter(auto,$VerdictDescrText,Product_Events_Report_Verdict_Filter) extprm(1)
    Descr           = sz(a) text($VerdictDescrText) extprm(1)
    DetectType      = sz(a) text($DetectTypeText) group(DetectType) filter(auto) extprm(1)
    DetectName      = sz(a) text($DetectNameText) group(DetectName) filter(auto) extprm(1)
    DetectDanger    = sz(a) text($DetectDangerText) group(DetectDanger) filter(auto) extprm(1)
    Exact           = sz(a) text($ExactText) group(IsExact) filter(auto) extprm(1)
    @       = sz(p) rs(60) text($ObjectText) i($ObjectIcon) group(ObjectType) filter(auto,$ObjectTypeText,Product_Events_Report_Object_Filter) extprm(1)
    Type    = sz(60) text($ObjectTypeText) i($ObjectIcon) group(ObjectType) filter(auto) extprm(1)
    Path    = sz(a) text($ObjectPathText)
    Name    = sz(a) text($ObjectNameText)
    @       = sz(p) rs(60) text($OldObjectText) at(nosort) i($OldObjectIcon) group(ObjectType) filter(auto,$ObjectTypeText,Product_Events_Report_Object_Filter) use(0) extprm(1)
    Type    = sz(60) text($ObjectTypeText) i($OldObjectIcon) group(ObjectType) filter(auto) extprm(1)
    Path    = sz(a) text($OldObjectPathText) at(nosort)
    Name    = sz(a) text($OldObjectNameText) at(nosort)
    @       = sz(p,p) ext(1)
    Report  = [Product_Events_Report]
    @ = [EditSimpleItem] onok(l_combo.add(ctl.Name.value,ctl.Name.value)) subst(Example(use(0))) ext(1)
    $ForASMail      = TaskID==#eTASK_AS && ObjectType==#eMailMessage
    $ForAB          = TaskID==#eTASK_AB && ObjectType==#eURL
    $GotoFileVirt = exec(env("ProductRoot").addPath("sbstart.exe"), f_getSandboxIdFromPath($ObjectRealText) + " \"iexplore\" -new -e " + objdir($ObjectText))
    $GotoFileReal = if(!gotofile($ObjectText), msg("CantOpenFolder"))
    @               = t(menu) bg("MenuIconBg")
    ASDetails       = at(default) use($ForASMail) onclick(dialog("AntiSpam_MailDetails"))
    ASMarkAsSpam    = use($ForASMail) onclick(ctl.Report.antispam_action(0))
    ASMarkAsHam     = use($ForASMail) onclick(ctl.Report.antispam_action(1))
    ASAddToWL       = use($ForASMail) onclick(ctl.Report.antispam_action(2))
    ASAddToBL       = use($ForASMail) onclick(ctl.Report.antispam_action(3))
    ABAllow         = use($ForAB) enable(DetectName) onclick(ctl.Report.antibanner_allow())
    Expand          = visible(isNode && !isExpanded)
    Collapse        = visible(isNode && isExpanded)
    CollapseAll     = visible(isNode)
    GotoFile        = enable(ObjectType==#eFile) onclick( if(PID && PID != #PIDProduct && PID != #PIDSystem && f_isSandboxed(PID),$GotoFileVirt,$GotoFileReal) ) use(!$IsRD)
    ;all events see in 'enVerdict'
    CLEAN               = v(#eCLEAN)     use($GVF_AV)
    ARCHIVED            = v(#eARCHIVED)  use($GVF_AV)
    PACKED              = v(#ePACKED)      use($GVF_AV)
    ;ENCRYPTED             = v(#eENCRYPTED) use($GVF_AV)
    CORRUPTED           = v(#eCORRUPTED) use($GVF_AV)
    DETECTED            = v(#eDETECTED)
    ALLOWED             = v(#eALLOWED)   use($GVF_NOT_SCAN)
    DENIED              = v(#eDENIED)    use($GVF_NOT_SCAN)
    REJECTED            = v(#eREJECTED)  use($GVF_NOT_SCAN)
    NOT_PROCESSED       = v(#eNOT_PROCESSED)      use($GVF_AV)
    Cure                = [Product_Events_Report_Verdict_Filter_Cure] use($GVF_NOT_CF)
    Task                = [Product_Events_Report_Verdict_Filter_Task] use($GVF_NOT_SCAN)
    ProdState           = [Product_Events_Report_Verdict_Filter_Prod] use(ctl.Report.value == #eTASK_GROUP_PROTECTION)
    ;see s_ProdState
    ProdState1               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateProductNotActivated)
    ProdState2               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateProductNotProtected)
    ProdState3               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateKeyAboutExpiration)
    ProdState4               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateKeyExpired)
    ProdState5               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateKeyWillBeExpired)
    ProdState6               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateKeyTrialExpired)
    ProdState7               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateKeyBlocked)
    ProdState8               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateNoKeys)
    ProdState9               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateKeyWaitActivation)
    ProdState10               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateKeyInvalid)
    ProdState11               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateKeyLimited)
    ProdState12               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateKeyGracePeriod)
    ProdState13               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateKeyUpdateFailed)
    ProdState14               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateKeySuspended)
    ProdState15               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateHighRiskTasksNotRunning)
    ProdState16               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateTasksNotRunning)
    ProdState17               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateTasksMalfunction)
    ProdState18               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateHighRiskTasksDisabled)
    ProdState19               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateTasksDisabled)
    ProdState20               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateProtectionSafeMode)
    ProdState21               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateProtectionNotInstalled)
    ProdState22               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateBasesNotValid)
    ProdState23               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateBasesOutOfDate)
    ProdState24               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateBasesNotActual)
    ProdState25               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateUpdateNeedReboot)
    ProdState26               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateBasesCorrupted)
    ProdState27               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateOnDemandTaskRunning)
    ProdState28               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateProtectionNotRunning)
    ProdState29               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateProtectionDisabled)
    ProdState30               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateThreatsMalwareUntreated)
    ProdState31               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateThreatsRiskwareUntreated)
    ProdState32               = v(#ePROTECTION + #ProdStateBasesCacheResizeFail)
    DISINFECTED                 = v(#eDISINFECTED) use($GVF_AV)
    DELETED                     = v(#eDELETED)     use($GVF_AV)
    OVERWRITED                  = v(#eOVERWRITED)  use($GVF_AV)
    QUARANTINED                 = v(#eQUARANTINED)
    TERMINATED                  = v(#eTERMINATED)  use($GVF_HIPS)
    RESTORED                    = v(#eRESTORED)    use($GVF_AV)
    RENAMED                     = v(#eRENAMED)     use($GVF_AV)
    BACKUPED                    = v(#eBACKUPED)    use($GVF_AV)
    REPARED                     = v(#eREPARED)     use($GVF_AV)
    ROLLBACKED                  = v(#eROLLBACKED)  use($GVF_HIPS)
    NOT_DISINFECTED             = v(#eNOT_DISINFECTED)  use($GVF_AV)
    NOT_DELETED                 = v(#eNOT_DELETED)      use($GVF_AV)
    NOT_RENAMED                 = v(#eNOT_RENAMED)      use($GVF_AV)
    ROLLBACK_FAILED             = v(#eROLLBACK_FAILED)  use($GVF_HIPS)
    BACKUP_FAILED               = v(#eBACKUP_FAILED)    use($GVF_AV)
    REPAIR_FAILED               = v(#eREPAIR_FAILED)    use($GVF_AV)
    DELETED_ON_REBOOT           = v(#eDELETED_ON_REBOOT)     use($GVF_AV)
    DISABLED        = v(#eDISABLED) use(!ctl.Report.value)
    Open    = v(#evtOpen)
    Create  = v(#evtCreate)
    Read    = v(#evtRead)
    Write   = v(#evtWrite)
    Delete  = v(#evtDelete)
    Rename  = v(#evtRename)
    Process = [Product_Events_Report_Action_Filter_Process]
    Data    = [Product_Events_Report_Action_Filter_DataAccess]
    System  = [Product_Events_Report_Action_Filter_System]
    User                            = v(#eUSER)
    ReportOnly                      = v(#eREPORTONLY)
    Postponed                       = v(#ePOSTPONED)
    TaskStopped                     = v(#eTASKSTOPPED)
    Error                           = v(#eERROR)
    Database                        = v(#eDATABASE)                                    use($GVF_UC)
    WhiteList                       = v(#eWHITE_LIST)                                use($GVF_UC)
    UserBlackList                   = v(#eUSER_BLACK_LIST)                            use($GVF_UC)
    UserWhiteList                   = v(#eUSER_WHITE_LIST)                            use($GVF_UC)
    Emulator                        = v(#eEMULATOR)
    BB                              = v(#eBB)
    Heuristic                       = v(#eHEURISTIC)                                use($GVF_UC)
    Bayes                           = v(#eBAYES)                                    use($GVF_UC)
    GSG                             = v(#eGSG)                                        use($GVF_UC)
    PDB                             = v(#ePDB)                                        use($GVF_UC)
    RecentTerms                     = v(#eRECENTTERMS)                                use($GVF_UC)
    SFDB                            = v(#eSFDB)                                        use($GVF_AV)
    ISWIFT                          = v(#eISWIFT)                                    use($GVF_AV)
    UNCHANGED                       = v(#eUNCHANGED)                                use($GVF_AV)
    KSN                             = v(#eKSN)                                        use($GVF_AV)
    AllowedSender                   = v(#eALLOWED_SENDER)                            use($GVF_UC)
    BlockedSender                   = v(#eBLOCKED_SENDER)                            use($GVF_UC)
    AllowedPhrase                   = v(#eALLOWED_PHRASE)                            use($GVF_UC)
    BlockedPhrase                   = v(#eBLOCKED_PHRASE)                            use($GVF_UC)
    DetectByHash                    = v(#eDETECT_BYHASH)
    DetectInformation               = v(#eDETECT_INFORMATION)
    Size                            = v(#eSIZE)
    Type                            = v(#eTYPE)
    Exclude                         = v(#eEXCLUDE)
    Time                            = v(#eTIME)
    NoRights                        = v(#eNORIGHTS)                                    use($GVF_AV)
    NotFound                        = v(#eNOTFOUND)                                    use($GVF_AV)
    Locked                          = v(#eLOCKED)                                    use($GVF_AV)
    Noncurable                      = v(#eNONCURABLE)                                use($GVF_AV)
    WriteProtect                    = v(#eWRITEPROTECT)                                use($GVF_AV)
    Nonoverwritable                 = v(#eNONOVERWRITABLE)                            use($GVF_AV)
    CopyFailed                      = v(#eCOPYFAILED)                                use($GVF_AV)
    WriteError                      = v(#eWRITEERROR)
    OutOfSpace                      = v(#eOUTOFSPACE)
    ReadError                       = v(#eREADERROR)
    DeviceNotReady                  = v(#eDEVICENOTREADY)
    WriteNotSupported               = v(#eWRITENOTSUPPORTED)
    CannotBackup                    = v(#eCANNOTBACKUP)                                use($GVF_AV)
    AddedToWhiteRecipient           = v(#eANTISPAM_AddedToWhiteRecipient)            use($GVF_UC)
    HasBeenTrained                  = v(#eANTISPAM_HasBeenTrained)                    use($GVF_UC)
    Training                        = v(#eANTISPAM_Training)                        use($GVF_UC)
    NeedTraining                    = v(#eANTISPAM_NeedTraining)                    use($GVF_UC)
    WhiteAddress                    = v(#eANTISPAM_WhiteAddress)                    use($GVF_UC)
    BlackAddress                    = v(#eANTISPAM_BlackAddress)                    use($GVF_UC)
    WhiteString                     = v(#eANTISPAM_WhiteString)                        use($GVF_UC)
    BlackString                     = v(#eANTISPAM_BlackString)                        use($GVF_UC)
    AntiFishing                     = v(#eANTISPAM_AntiFishing)                        use($GVF_UC)
    WhiteAddressNotFound            = v(#eANTISPAM_WhiteAddress_NOTFOUND)            use(0)
    WhiteStringNotFound             = v(#eANTISPAM_WhiteString_NOTFOUND)            use(0)
    MailDispatcher                  = v(#eANTISPAM_MailDispatcher)                    use($GVF_UC)
    Eicar                           = v(#eANTISPAM_Eicar)                            use($GVF_UC)
    Banner                          = v(#eANTISPAM_Banner)                            use($GVF_UC)
    InvalidHTML                     = v(#eANTISPAM_InvalidHTML)                        use($GVF_UC)
    ExternalObj                     = v(#eANTISPAM_ExternalObj)                        use($GVF_UC)
    InternalObj                     = v(#eANTISPAM_InternalObj)                        use($GVF_UC)
    EmptyMessage                    = v(#eANTISPAM_EmptyMessage)                    use($GVF_UC)
    NotForMe                        = v(#eANTISPAM_NotForMe)                        use($GVF_UC)
    NotEnglish                      = v(#eANTISPAM_NotEnglish)                        use($GVF_UC)
    RecipLimit                      = v(#eANTISPAM_RecipLimit)                        use($GVF_UC)
    RecipLimitNotFound              = v(#eANTISPAM_RecipLimit_NOTFOUND)                use($GVF_UC)
    InvalidHTML_UnknownDefsCount    = v(#eANTISPAM_InvalidHTML_UnknownDefsCount)    use($GVF_UC)
    InvalidHTML_SeemsColors         = v(#eANTISPAM_InvalidHTML_SeemsColors)            use($GVF_UC)
    InvalidHTML_SmallText           = v(#eANTISPAM_InvalidHTML_SmallText)            use($GVF_UC)
    InvalidHTML_InvisibleCharCount  = v(#eANTISPAM_InvalidHTML_InvisibleCharCount)    use($GVF_UC)
    InvalidHTML_Scripts             = v(#eANTISPAM_InvalidHTML_Scripts)                use($GVF_UC)
    InvalidHTML_HiddenElements      = v(#eANTISPAM_InvalidHTML_HiddenElements)        use($GVF_UC)
    CannotBeSpam                    = v(#eANTISPAM_CannotBeSpam)                    use($GVF_UC)
    SpamTest                        = v(#eANTISPAM_SPAMTEST)                        use($GVF_UC)
    ProcessStart    = v(#evtProcessStart)
    ProcStart       = v(#evtProcStart)
    ProcessStop     = v(#evtProcessStop)
    ProcStop        = v(#evtProcStop)
    ImageLoad       = v(#evtImageLoad)
    ImageUnload     = v(#evtImageUnload)
    Terminate       = v(#evtTerminate)
    ReadProcMem     = v(#evtReadProcMem)
    SetHook         = v(#evtSetHook)
    CodeInject      = v(#evtCodeInject)
    Suspend         = v(#evtSuspend)
    AddAppToGr      = v(#evtAddAppToGr)
    Send                = v(#evtSend)
    Receive             = v(#evtReceive)
    WMSend              = v(#evtWMSend)
    LLDiskAccess        = v(#evtLLDiskAccess)
    LLFSAccess          = v(#evtLLFSAccess)
    ADSAccess           = v(#evtADSAccess)
    DirectMemAccess     = v(#evtDirectMemAccess)
    ClipBoardAcceess    = v(#evtClipBoardAcceess)
    SelfStart           = v(#evtSelfStart)
    WindowsShutDown     = v(#evtWindowsShutDown)
    HiddenRegistry      = v(#evtHiddenRegistry)
    KeyLogger           = v(#evtKeyLogger)
    SetHardLink         = v(#evtSetHardLink)
    SchedulerStart      = v(#evtSchedulerStart)
    DrvStart            = v(#evtDrvStart)
    ServiceStart        = v(#evtServiceStart)
    ScreenShots         = v(#evtScreenShots)
    CriticalCOMAccess   = v(#evtCriticalCOMAccess)
    UseBrowserCL        = v(#evtUseBrowserCL)
    UseBrowserAPI       = v(#evtUseBrowserAPI)
    UseDNS              = v(#evtUseDNS)
    UseBITS             = v(#evtUseBITS)
    SetDbgPrivilege     = v(#evtSetDbgPrivilege)
    ChangeObjPrivilege  = v(#evtChangeObjPrivilege)
    ShellWindowsAcceess = v(#evtShellWindowsAcceess)
    UserAccountAccess   = v(#evtUserAccountAccess)
    File        = v(#eFile)
    Directory   = v(#eDirectory)   use($GVF_HIPS)
    RegKey      = v(#eRegKey)      use($GVF_HIPS)
    RegValue    = v(#eRegValue)    use($GVF_HIPS)
    Process     = v(#eProcess)     use($GVF_HIPS)
    Thread      = v(#eThread)      use($GVF_HIPS)
    Module      = v(#eModule)      use($GVF_HIPS)
    LogSector   = v(#eLogSector)   use($GVF_AV)
    PhysSector  = v(#ePhysSector)  use($GVF_AV)
    Memory      = v(#eMemory)      use($GVF_AV)
    MailMessage = v(#eMailMessage) use($GVF_AV)
    MailAttach  = v(#eMailAttach)  use($GVF_AV)
    PagerData    = v(#ePagerData)   use($GVF_AV)
    URL         = v(#eURL)         use($GVF_NOT_SCAN)
    Script      = v(#eScript)      use($GVF_NOT_SCAN)
    Port        = v(#ePort)        use($GVF_HIPS)
    Connection  = v(#eConnection)  use($GVF_HIPS)
    Packet      = v(#ePacket)      use($GVF_HIPS)
    DialStr     = v(#eDialStr)     use($GVF_OS)
    Task        = v(#eTask)        use($GVF_NOT_SCAN)
    $ObjectPath = c_object(ObjectId, object(ObjectId))
    @           = $List alias(scanstat) refresh(100) a(la) ext(1) extprm(1)
    Object      = at(fixedpos) text(ObjectType == #eFile ? objfile($ObjectPath) : s_ObjectType(ObjectType)) ia(lc) i(s_ObjectTypeIcon(ObjectType, $ObjectPath, #true, #true)) sz(150) extprm(1)
    Time        = text(timestamp(TimeSpend/1000)) sz(a) a(r) sort(TimeSpend)
    Scaned      = [Product_Scan_Statistics_List_Scaned]
    Detected    = text(Detected) sz(a) a(r)
    row         = bg(if(Flags & 1,"EventWarn")) f(((Flags & 2) && isExpanded) ? "Normal_Bold" : "Normal")
    @               = text(Scaned) sz(a) a(r)
    Scaned          = text(Scaned) sz(a) a(r)
    Archived        = text(Archived) sz(a) a(r)
    Packed          = text(Packed) sz(a) a(r)
    PswProtected    = text(PswProtected) sz(a) a(r)
    Corrupted       = text(Corrupted) sz(a) a(r)
    ScanErrors      = text(ScanErrors) sz(a) a(r)
    @       = $List alias(blstat) at(nosearch) prm(#dbStatistics) refresh(500) a(la) group(dateonly,dategroup(Date),default) ext(1) extprm(1)
    Counter = at(fixedpos) ia(lc) sz(240) group(CounterItem,Counter,default) sort(s_RepDetectType(Counter),sortdown) extprm(1)
    Blocked = text(Blocked) a(r) sz(60) extprm(1)
    Total   = text(Total) a(r) sz(60) extprm(1)
    row     = f(depend(!level) ? "Normal_Bold" : "Normal")

    Can someone tell me what this is.
      My Computer

  2. Xhi
    Posts : 38
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit / Ubuntu Linux 11.04

    This might be a false positive from Kaspersky. Just to make sure, could you try a second opinion scanner? Try downloading Malwarebytes : Free anti-malware, anti-virus and spyware removal download and see what it says. Make sure to do a full scan.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 201
    Windows 8 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Yes I did these scans also.

    Malwarebytes full scan

    SUPERAntiSpyware full scan

    Kaspersky full scan and nothing came up.

    I did download and ran a Keylogger detector and this came up lol
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Keylogger issue-keylogger.png  
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,398
    ultimate 64 sp1

    i think the key word in "behavior similar to keylogger detected" is similar.

    i've noticed kaspersky doing this when i start certain games.

    i forget now exactly, but if you click on the arrow and select 'hide this notification' (or something like that) then you won't get bothered by that particular warning for that particular 'problem' software again.

    looks like you're clean!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 201
    Windows 8 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Thanks guys
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 201
    Windows 8 Pro
    Thread Starter

    I am running ESET Online scanner and so far its showing 3 infections (Win32/ ADWARE. ADON ). Just have to wait till its done to see what else comes up.
      My Computer


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