Hi all and thanks for the ad. I have today returned to Win 7. Simply all above it is rubbish, I have gotten 99% of the updates from MS so all good. I...
The page loads, but no game displays, where the game should be is just a blank white ares. Page reloading and clearing AARP cookie didn't help. This...
wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion This command works in 7 but you probably missing an update. It only tells you what msinfo32 would tell you anyway and...
But you can infer the UEFI/BIOS mode from the boot disk. You don't have to look at the BIOS directly. The UEFI/BIOS mode and the boot disk GPT-vs-MBR...
I am trying to stop/remove processes that aren’t really needed to try to make my computer more stable. In the Task Manager, I see a laclient and this...