Macrium Reflect not reading image file from DVD-RW

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  1. Posts : 1,036
    Winbdows 7 ultimate x64 | Ubuntu 12.04 x64 LTS

    Macrium Reflect not reading image file from DVD-RW

    Hey there,
    I'm to restore my system partition. I have it's image saved on two DVD-RWs.
    The problem as stated in the title, it's not reading the image file in disc 1, disc 2 is ok.
    I deleted catalyst driver which on the disc 1. Could that be the problem? I mean did the deletion of that file changed the file information table and so Macrium is unable to recognize that now?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,036
    Winbdows 7 ultimate x64 | Ubuntu 12.04 x64 LTS
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    I copied the image file on the first disc to HDD. When I right click it and chose 'Restore' i get the following error shown below. Does that mean I'll have to start the restoration process with the 2nd disc and then it'll automatically ask for the first disc or the other image's location?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Macrium Reflect not reading image file from DVD-RW-capture.jpg  
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,036
    Winbdows 7 ultimate x64 | Ubuntu 12.04 x64 LTS
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    Didn't think that I'll have to do this but... Bump.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 408
    Windows Seven Home Premium 32bit SP1

    I really have no experience in images that are burnt to a DVD, the only things i can think is have you changed the drive letter of your CD/DVD drive as doing this or moving images to other locations creates problems.

    If not i would insert your disk & open Macrium, there is a red shield at the top you use this to verify if your image is ok or corrupted. I would do this before you proceed any further
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,036
    Winbdows 7 ultimate x64 | Ubuntu 12.04 x64 LTS
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    Thanks for the reply, Mitchell.
    I found this- Macrium Reflect - Blogs and News
    At bottom, it says about restoring via multiple discs. So, does this mean that I'll have to insert the 2nd disc first and then it'll continue with the 1st part? And no, i didn't change the drive letter or any such major change.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 408
    Windows Seven Home Premium 32bit SP1

    EzioAuditore said:
    Thanks for the reply, Mitchell.
    I found this- Macrium Reflect - Blogs and News
    At bottom, it says about restoring via multiple discs. So, does this mean that I'll have to insert the 2nd disc first and then it'll continue with the 1st part? And no, i didn't change the drive letter or any such major change.
    Yes, that is how it reads to me, but i would manually verify your image first just in case of what you said about deleting that component in an earlier post.

    BTW excellent link it just answered a question posted by someone else
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,036
    Winbdows 7 ultimate x64 | Ubuntu 12.04 x64 LTS
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    Verified image. Ok. Now, one thing left to do, how do i create a bootable rescue flash drive and not disc? I used the bootable wizard to create the iso. How do i burn it to my flash drive?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 408
    Windows Seven Home Premium 32bit SP1

    EzioAuditore said:
    Verified image. Ok. Now, one thing left to do, how do i create a bootable rescue flash drive and not disc? I used the bootable wizard to create the iso. How do i burn it to my flash drive?
    lol i haven't got a clue. I just use a linux disk 7mb, the recovery disk just boots you into the recovery console then ejects itself.
    So you should be able to just use the linux CD & after it ejects insert your first disk because it is not until then that you are asked to select your image

    Edit; i have seen people talk of using flash drives you might pick up something on it using an advanced search
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,036
    Winbdows 7 ultimate x64 | Ubuntu 12.04 x64 LTS
    Thread Starter

    Found of googling- How to Burn ISO's to a Flash Drive |
    used ImgBurn as stated there but didn't work.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 2,686
    Windows 8.1 Pro w/Media Center 64bit, Windows 7 HP 64bit

    EzioAuditore said:
    Thanks for the reply, Mitchell.
    I found this- Macrium Reflect - Blogs and News
    At bottom, it says about restoring via multiple discs. So, does this mean that I'll have to insert the 2nd disc first and then it'll continue with the 1st part? And no, i didn't change the drive letter or any such major change.
    YES Last disk contains the image index.

    Here is the quote:

    I'm restoring an image from multiple DVDs but the restore wizard can't locate the image.

    You must place the last DVD in the CD tray first. The final part of any image contains the image index.

      My Computer

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