Acronis and DataRAM RAMDisk
Hello All:
I've been using Acronis for years without a hitch. That is, until I installed Windows 7.
Then the BSOD's started. I upgraded to version 2011 because I read it was compatible with Windows 7 x64.
Recently, I've been getting BSOD's again: Stop Code 50 with snapman.sys pointed to as the culprit. snapman.sys is one of Acronis' drivers.
After scouring the Internet for many hours I stumbled upon something:
All Acronis versions are incompatible with DataRAM's RAMDisk, which I happen to use.
The 'fix' is to install updated snapapi driversfrom Acronis' site:
Compatibility of Acronis Software with Dataram RAMDisk | Knowledge Base
I've been pulling my hair out for a long time over this and I surely hope that it will save someone else from premature baldness!