cant restore zips

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  1. Posts : 58
    Windows 7 Home Premium - Desktop 32 bit / Laptop HP (G62) 64 BIT

    cant restore zips

    i cant seem to restore files or folders using the backup & restore utility.

    i can see some of the filles i need when using the utility, but right before restoring i get:

    restore encountered problem validating zip file .....\\....backup files 2010-06-21 ...\backup

    ....make sure drive backup is saved on is attached or try restore from different backup (0x8100001A)
    the backup is on my external western digital, the computer name with utility icon appears

    ive also tried manually unzipping the folders, but the process hangs, and when it did go further i could not see the files in the appropriate folders...

    ive tried restoring from advanced....,all users, from different computer, different backup dates, disabled antivirus, restore to different go....

    internet search reveals issues with mediaid.bin file but it appears properly on the external drive

    previous history includes changes of computer name, upgrade from Vista to windows 7, change user account names/type, but i dont think this is relevant...

    Geek squad tried explaining , saying its normal because set up with compressed files, utility wont do that, need to search other solution on internet.....

    im quite lost now....any help is appreciated...thank you....
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  2. mjf
    Posts : 5,969
    Windows 7x64 Home Premium SP1

    If you are talking about file/folder backup (based on zip files) I have seen reference to rebuilding the mediaid.bin file » Missing Mediaid.bin file

    I always assumed that in a bind I could manually unzip the backup *.zip files.

    Edit: I don't appear to have problems viewing and extracting with 7-zip
    Last edited by mjf; 07 Jan 2011 at 00:24.
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  3. Posts : 58
    Windows 7 Home Premium - Desktop 32 bit / Laptop HP (G62) 64 BIT
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    thank you for the reference, i was aware about that one, but my mediaid.bin file appears in its place, and dated back quite far to may 2010, im not sure exactly what i had done at that date though....

    here are the some of the files visible thru restore and the pdf shows the error message:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails cant restore zips-baup3.jpg  
    cant restore zips Attached Files
    Last edited by Brink; 10 Feb 2011 at 00:32. Reason: merged consecutive posts
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  4.   My Computer

  5. Posts : 58
    Windows 7 Home Premium - Desktop 32 bit / Laptop HP (G62) 64 BIT
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    re. mediaid.bin refer to my post #6, #10 (first screen shot), all backups only ever done my J:

    im not sure i understand you correctly, based on my searches and responses received, does this mean there is no known method of retrieving the files (which are clearly there - ref. post #10) using manual or restore utility .... and there is no known reason for receiving this error when using the restore...what???!!!

    if the backup & restore utility only does back up part, what is the point, im perplexed to say the what should i be using for all this from now on....

    thank you for your efforts
      My Computer

  6. mjf
    Posts : 5,969
    Windows 7x64 Home Premium SP1

    I'm a bit perplexed as well.
    My understanding is Windows has 2 quite functionally and technically different backup mechanisms rolled into what is generically called "Backup and Restore"
    These are:
    (1) System imaging which creates one large .vhd file per partition
    (2) File/folder backup which creates a multitude of .zip files and corresponding .wbcat files.
    They are parallel independent systems.

    Both (1) and (2) have their own separate MediaID files. The Ops original post seemed to be referencing category (2) backups as do his screenshots.

    For category (1) you have a 16 byte "MediaID" file. For category (2) you have a 1kB "MediaID.bin" file. They may be in place but errors in either will cause a reimage or a file/folder restore to fail. The link I gave was for rebuilding the MediaID.bin file.

    The core data in (1) and (2) can be recovered provided the vhd and zip files respectively have not been damaged.

    which backup is your issue?
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  7. Posts : 58
    Windows 7 Home Premium - Desktop 32 bit / Laptop HP (G62) 64 BIT
    Thread Starter

    i didnt know much about the image restore (1) - (nor its mediaid file), before coming here.

    i am concerned at the moment restoring from file/folder backup, as that is where i see the emls as in screenshot, for pointe-claire username

    is there a way to know if any file (mediaid) is damaged, ill check the 1k size....then i assume you are saying rebuild the file anyway?


    EDIT: both mediaid file are 1K
    Last edited by balm; 07 Jan 2011 at 17:45.
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  8. mjf
    Posts : 5,969
    Windows 7x64 Home Premium SP1

    I don't know of a way to check the integrity of the (vhd) MediaID file or the (zip) MediaID.bin file. I know one byte change in the MediaID file and Windows will not auto locate my images.

    In your case I'd copy the MediaID.bin file and use the procedure to rebuild it. Then the only solution I know is to manually unzip the multiple *.zip files in your file/folder backup.

    EDIT: Do a right click properties
    MediaID = 16 bytes
    MediaID.bin = 528 bytes
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 58
    Windows 7 Home Premium - Desktop 32 bit / Laptop HP (G62) 64 BIT
    Thread Starter

    which bin file do i rebuild, the one in the main J: directory, or the one insidde the backup icon...

    thank you

    doesnt work for me, in CMD sdutil is not recognized command!

    EDIT: this is for VISTA!
    Last edited by Brink; 10 Feb 2011 at 00:32. Reason: merged consecutive posts
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  10. mjf
    Posts : 5,969
    Windows 7x64 Home Premium SP1

    balm said:
    doesnt work for me, in CMD sdutil is not recognized command!

    EDIT: this is for VISTA!
    It's also tried as a possible fix for Windows 7.
    sdutil needs to be downloaded from MS.

    Good Luck!!
      My Computer

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