The boot cd. To answer your other question
Which boot cd do you have with gimagex on it, was it Hiren's you used ?
Is your os booting up fine now?
Correct. It actually seemed to work once I did it the second time. The only problem is it won't boot because of a missing ntdl etc. but in the hiren menu option there is a boot you can do off of the hard drive for vista/7. That brought me to the desktop. Everything seems in shape. It just can't boot on its own without hirens boot disk. If that makes any
I've had major trouble with this computer by the way. The day I got it I accidentally through a uninstall.exe file into the C drive and ran it (ya I know. I didn't know that kind of stupidity existed either) and I'm sure you understand how that screwed everything up. An back then I wasn't that knowledgable to just to a factory reset. No I tried to reinstall all the drivers myself. Lol
Alright! Fixed it. After being able to get to the desktop I was able to make a repair disk and used that to fix the boot problem. It's all good now. Man that was a nightmare thanks guys. Haha
Glad you got it! Sorry for the misunderstaing it wasnt formatting again... I just wanted to sate how long it took, I.e. 15m to expand the image and 30 to format
Hi George Crothers and SIM2,
You solutions have been very helpful, thank you very much !!
After performing George's method, I reached another difficulty.
After the final reboot, I got the following message:
NTLDR is missing
Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart.
It turns out to be a known issue, WindowsXP updates the Master Boot Record (MBR), which causes the system not to recognize the Win7/Vista OS partition (that was restored).
I can only guess this MBR update was done by the "Mini XP" in Hiren's BootCD.
The solution is to perform a "Startup Repair" from the Windows Install DVD,
which will repair the MBR, and then it's done.
If you don't have the Windows Install DVD, it's advised to create a Windows Repair DVD (or download, if you can find it) before starting the entire process.
See below link for details,it's for Vista/7/8 alike :
Note: Even when receiving the "NTDLR is missing" message, you _can_ boot the Restored OS by doing the following:
1. Insert Hiren's CD back into your DVD.
2. Restart.
3. In Hiren's menu, use the first option, which is booting from hard-drive. Hiren's will directly boot your OS. It somehow bypasses the MBR issue.
Of course this is not a long-term solution, but in this manner, if you forgot to create the Windows Repair DVD beforehand, you can create it afterwards in the restored OS.