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  1. Posts : 6
    Windows 7 premium x64

    The boot cd. To answer your other question
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 16,510
    7 X64

    Which boot cd do you have with gimagex on it, was it Hiren's you used ?

    Is your os booting up fine now?
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 6
    Windows 7 premium x64

    Correct. It actually seemed to work once I did it the second time. The only problem is it won't boot because of a missing ntdl etc. but in the hiren menu option there is a boot you can do off of the hard drive for vista/7. That brought me to the desktop. Everything seems in shape. It just can't boot on its own without hirens boot disk. If that makes any
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6
    Windows 7 premium x64

    I've had major trouble with this computer by the way. The day I got it I accidentally through a uninstall.exe file into the C drive and ran it (ya I know. I didn't know that kind of stupidity existed either) and I'm sure you understand how that screwed everything up. An back then I wasn't that knowledgable to just to a factory reset. No I tried to reinstall all the drivers myself. Lol
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 6
    Windows 7 premium x64

    Alright! Fixed it. After being able to get to the desktop I was able to make a repair disk and used that to fix the boot problem. It's all good now. Man that was a nightmare thanks guys. Haha
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 7
    Windows 7 home premium 64bit

    Glad you got it! Sorry for the misunderstaing it wasnt formatting again... I just wanted to sate how long it took, I.e. 15m to expand the image and 30 to format
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 16,510
    7 X64

    I think by "format" you mean complete the installation?
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 1
    Windows Vista 32-bit

    Hi George Crothers and SIM2,

    You solutions have been very helpful, thank you very much !!
    After performing George's method, I reached another difficulty.

    After the final reboot, I got the following message:
    NTLDR is missing
    Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart.

    It turns out to be a known issue, WindowsXP updates the Master Boot Record (MBR), which causes the system not to recognize the Win7/Vista OS partition (that was restored).
    I can only guess this MBR update was done by the "Mini XP" in Hiren's BootCD.

    The solution is to perform a "Startup Repair" from the Windows Install DVD,
    which will repair the MBR, and then it's done.

    If you don't have the Windows Install DVD, it's advised to create a Windows Repair DVD (or download, if you can find it) before starting the entire process.
    See below link for details,it's for Vista/7/8 alike :

    Note: Even when receiving the "NTDLR is missing" message, you _can_ boot the Restored OS by doing the following:
    1. Insert Hiren's CD back into your DVD.
    2. Restart.
    3. In Hiren's menu, use the first option, which is booting from hard-drive. Hiren's will directly boot your OS. It somehow bypasses the MBR issue.
    Of course this is not a long-term solution, but in this manner, if you forgot to create the Windows Repair DVD beforehand, you can create it afterwards in the restored OS.
      My Computer

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