windows failed to start.a recent hardware or software change might be

  1. Posts : 2
    windows 7 premuin 64 bit

    windows failed to start.a recent hardware or software change might be

    hello to all who read this .first of all this problom was from a stupidently dum thing ive done.i downloaded a 5gigabyte on utorrent and then my pc froze after the download was completed.i restarted it after and it went into system recovery then i clicked next and next and i had an option to restore it back to factory condition and it would delete all my downloaded files so i said ok because there wasn't anything really important of mine i wanted after i did it went fine .untill i went to shut it down for updates.then it went back to system recovery. every time i recovered it i had only the one option to restore it back to factory ive tried a stupid thing and formatted it and i now every time i turn the laptop on this message appears in a black background

    1:windows failed to start.a recent hardware or software change might be the fix the problem:
    insert windows installation disc and restart your computer.

    2:choose your language settings,and click NEXT
    if you do not have this contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.


    info:an error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data.


    if anyone can help me i would really appreciate it. i have as well made a bootable recovery disk as well if it helps thanks.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 11,408

    We always assume you have made your Recovery Disks using the OEM manufacturer's Recovery Media Creator app the first day you had your new PC.
    & made the Startup Repair CD.
    startup repair disc-create

    Did you make the OEM manufacturer's Recovery Disks?

    Boot up using the Startup Repair CD or Windows 7 DVD. (not the OEM manufacturer's Recovery Disk) If you have a Netbook, you will need a CD/DVD drive.
    NOTE: Make sure no USB drives are plugged in.
    Do not use a USB Pendrive for Startup Repair.
    startup repair disc-create

    Do a Strartup Repair:
    Startup Repair
    Note: You may need to do startup repair 3 to 4 times.
    Startup Repair - Run 3 Separate Times
      My Computer


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