Numerous Problems surrounding backups and creating repair disk
OK, here it goes.
I've built my own PC for the first time and it is running rather fine for past 10months.
However, I've found my 124GB SSD C drive is filling up. (5.62GB free of 119GB)
So I want to migrate to a new BIGGER SSD (from current 124gb to 248gb).
I have one huge application that takes 3 ~ 4 hours to install (yes, that long on SSD drive or 12hours on mechanical drive when I did it on my old PC) so I do not want to go through the process again by reinstalling everything manually.
Though I've built this one PC of my own, I'm no expert so I started searching the net for how-to's.
I learned that I should make a backup of current C drive first.
But image backup process ends with (0x8007002) error.
Many people suggested I make a system repair disk in case something goes wrong.
But trying to make a system repair disk ends in (0x80070057) error.
I tried using SFC (System File Checker) to see if there are any missing files.
But SFC did NOT find any missing files.
I tried a repair by installing SURT (System Update Repair Tool) but still I can't either make a system repair disk or image backup. (By the way, I spent some time figuring out how to "run" SURT after installation...)
Someone said I need to clean up HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList profile. I found a profile list with no Data Value NameDefault) / Type:REG_SZ / Datavalue not set). I tried to "delete it" following the instruction but it doesn't let me delete it.
Now, I'm circling similar instructions on the net but none to avail.
Again, my ultimate goal is to migrate my C drive to the new and bigger SSD drive (248GB) with safety net in case something goes wrong.
Sorry for my vague description of my problem(s).
Thanks for your help.