I want to back up one step first.
Can you get to BIOS?
If you can - reset to defaults, save on exit, and reboot.
If resetting BIOS to defaults worked, skip the rest of this post.
Can you still get to the Quick Web screen shown in your post #3?
How did you get to command prompt?
There are two things that are troubling me
Before I declare this a HW issue, see what Windows Defender Offline (WDO) finds: What is Windows Defender Offline?
- Quick Web is on a FAT32 partitioned (usually E:\ and labeled HP_Tools)
- Command Prompt is on the System Drive
Download and create WDO on a USB stick (if you can, put WDO on another stick and keep the Win7 Home Premium media just in case it's needed). WDO is small < 300 MB
See this tutorial: Windows Defender Offline
Option 1 tells you how to create the media (step 6 in option 1 is for USB)
Option 2 ells you how to use the media and scan your machine.
There is a full regiment of AV tools that I could suggest, but your machine doesn't have Internet or CD drive. I've found a few that can be put on a USB stick but I'm not sure about the others.
Anyway, run WDO and post results. It might not see your drive either. That still leaves why Quick Web and Command Prompt work off the disk as a mystery.