Recover data from a diskpart > clean command

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  1. Posts : 13,576
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Just try a recovery program or try Partition Wizard.

    Data is truly never lost it just gets written over, writing 1 ands 0`s to a drive, or all 0`s, now that`s different.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64bit

    Yeah but in my thread I can explain a lot of things. I have the same problem like this guy. I made Quick and Deeper Scan with TestDisk and it doesn't get any partition useful and I have finished the Quick Scan and Full Scan of Partition Wizard with no lucky. I think that I'm the 1% too like this guy. Please take a look to my thread. That can help me a lot👏🏼
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64bit

    Anshad Edavana said:
    Great."TestDIsk" is able to construct a valid NTFS boot sector. Total number of sectors and MFT start cluster numbers are perfectly matching. Now it is the time to do check disk. Please follow the below instructions.

    1.Open an elevated command prompt.

    Elevated Command Prompt

    2.Enter check disk command like in the below example.

    CHKDSK X: /F

    Where replace "X" with the actual drive letter of the external disk( it will be probably recognized as RAW ).

    This may take some time to complete. When it finishes, reboot the system and report whether you can access the partition.
    I made all the process until chkdsk x: /F gives me unspecified error (766f6c756d652e63 3f1) and the check disk stops at the beggining. I checked all the info and just a couple of differences between the LBA0 and the LBA63 (I think is normal) but in the chkdsk step I get stucked. Can I run again TestDisk analysis and Write the partition on the disk? Or the only way to get it is by chkdsk? Please answer me😪
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1

    I red this thread like a thriller novel. What an awesome support you guys gave to the op who got all his beloved files back, thanks to you. I had a very similar problem that I would like to share.

    Also diskpart clean vanished my partition. I tried minitool partition wizard's recovery function without succes. I also tried Acronis Disk Director (2014 I think) recovery function. Also without succes (strangely, it found numerous ext4 partitions whereas my original partition was NTFS). After reading this thread I think: well, lets try Testdisk. I know this tool but it moved somewhere to the back of my mind. At first, no succes. Then I chose deep search. And tadaa! It found just one partition and it was the right one. I wrote it to disk, performed chkdsk and voila. All my precious files back! So this is a huge compliment to Testdisk. Despite it's rudimentary looks, it is indeed a powerhouse.
      My Computer

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