Folder Restore not working

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    Folder Restore not working

    Hi, first-timer, so be gentle.

    Yesterday I noticed all my contacts had been deleted from Windows Live Mail 2011. I did a search to see if anyone knows where these would be stored on my computer so I could re-import them but no one seemed to know. They're not in the obvious place: windowslivemail/contacts

    So I did a folder restore. It looks like my computer started adding new contacts again on 4/6/14 so I restored back to 1/6/14 and still all my contacts were missing.

    I then went into the Control Panel and did a repair on WLM and that made things worse. Not only did that not bring my contacts back, but it also erased all the emails in ALL my folders; Inbox, Sent Items, Storage Folders, Deleted Items - EVERYTHING!

    Now I REALLY need to restore a previous version, so I tried to restore the folder back to 27/5/14. Like last time it comes up Are you Sure...? I clicked Restore (Yes), but nothing happened this time. I tried and re-tried but nothing happens.

    Is there a time limit? Can you only do one folder restore a day or something?

    Any help about how to do the folder restore, or any other way I can get back my emails and contacts list would be greatly appreciated.

    Using Win7 64bit.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4,566
    Windows 10 Pro

    You could try a system restore point to a few days ago, but that may not bring it back.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    andrew129260 said:
    You could try a system restore point to a few days ago, but that may not bring it back.
    Yes, that's my last resort. I've had hit & miss success with System Restores in the past. I've emailed Microsoft Support to see if they have any ideas, but they're very slow to respond.

    Thanks anyway.
      My Computer


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