Windows 7 - System Restore, Saving a Backup & Permanant Restore Point
My questions are on Windows 7 System Restore, Restore Points and Backups; specifically, potentially using a Backup as a Permanent Restore Point.
Here is the situation...
About a month ago, I did a complete Factory Restore on my HP desktop and returned it to it's factory condition. After removing the bloatware and performing all the necessary Windows Updates, the Factory Restore process went off without any issues.
Today, however, I needed to use System Restore due to an issue I was having with multiple monitors that I just couldn't figure out. So, I went into System Restore and found a "Date andTime" of a restore point that was right around the same time I did the Factory Restore. That Restore Point was also the oldest and since I knew it was a known & good restore point, I decided to use it. That restore point "Description" was labeled "System Image Restore Point" and the "Type" was labeled "Backup." (See Image)
I don't recall setting up or doing any backups although, between Windows Backup, Norton Backup and HP's Backup utilities some type of backup obviously happened. FYI, I hate having all those options, as I'd rather use native Windows tools. In any case, today, I used the System Restore using the System Image Restore Point labeled as Backup and, after performing a few minor Windows Updates, everything went off without a hitch and my monitor problem was solved.
However, seeing that Restore point being labeled as "Backup" I got curious about that Backup so I went into "Control Panel" then "System and Security" and then "Backup and Restore" to try to find the backup, although it was not found by Windows. (See Image)
Questions...I would like to have one Backup or Image that I can always revert to. Moreover, I don't want to keep creating multiple Backups as I'd rather have "one known good backup" that I can save and always revert to, every few months or so. Plus, by doing so, I could always perform necessary Windows Updates and then resave another new backup.
- Where is that Backup file and how do I find it? Again, System Restore found it & restored it successfully so obviously it's somewhere.
- In System Restore, are restore points labeled as "Type" / "Backup" always saved or are they eventually overwritten.
- Moving forward, how do I (or can I) save "1" permanent good backup, forever, without writing over it?
FYI, on my SSD C: Drive, I only save Windows, Office and necessary system/software packages like PDF, Flash & Antivirus Software, as well as hardware drivers & settings for Printer, Mouse, Keyboard, etc. All of my documents & files are stored on a separate 2TB internal hard drive & backup up to an external hard drive so my goal is to keep my C: Drive fresh & clean with the goal of reverting and resaving those drive settings, every couple months or so.
I do realize Backup & Image are not the same but if someone can explain a good process on how to do this, I would appreciate it. My research indicates a lot of people ask this question and there area variety of opinions, answers & methods. I don't want to use any 3rd party software, certainly not the Norton (Comcast) backup software I have, as I just want to use the native tools in Windows 7.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated...Thanks ! ! !