images and slowing down windows

  1. Posts : 45

    images and slowing down windows

    does multiple times taking images and restoring images slowing down windows after a while?
    lets speak about 7 restores
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,914
    win 8 32 bit

    No it just puts Windows back to when the image was created
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 20,583
    Win-7-Pro64bit 7-H-Prem-64bit

    Yep samuria summed it up pretty much :)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,774
    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

    If you're asking whether or not the process of making backups, on-demand or scheduled, full or incremental or differential, while Windows session carries on with its normal business -- yes, that backup process will slow down Windows foreground and background operations somewhat. Many backup programs can be set to: high, normal, low priority -- I have mine on high; I figure Windows can wait, Windows can take more time; because I want restorable backups.
      My Computer


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