Simplest backup wanted.

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  1. Posts : 165
    Windows 7 Pro 64bit
    Thread Starter

    That sounds like the safest way to go. I will pick up a matched pair of SSD drives. Same size as the one in my tower at the moment, (480gb). This size is dirt cheap at the moment and is only half full after about ten years. No point in getting anything larger.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 165
    Windows 7 Pro 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Just one more question. After trying to digest the helpful posts above, and reading the guide on the Hasleo website, I still don't see any difference between the two operations. Cloning vs Migration. Both claim to provide a second disc that can be used to instanly fire up a PC with all settings, drivers, software, and data in place. They must be different in some way otherwise what would be the point in having both?
      My Computer

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