winmailexe no longer works since win7 update

  1. Posts : 27
    7 64

    winmailexe no longer works since win7 update

    I guess microsoft reads these forums and saw it told us how to run winmail as an on computer email system.
    ideas anyone on how to get it back working?
    clicking on it or running as admin .... nothing happens
    win7 64 bit
    thanks all
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 408
    Windows Seven Home Premium 32bit SP1

    Hello Oceano, you need to go back to the tutorial & download a new msoe.dll 32bit or 64bit depending on your O.S.

    The msoe.dll in the tutorial has been updated, have a look at this post it explains what has happened and what you need to do;

    BTW somewhere in the tutorial thread it has been confirmed by a MVP that Microsoft has approved the tutorial

    Edit; it appears my memory has failed me and the above statement;

    BTW somewhere in the tutorial thread it has been confirmed by a MVP that Microsoft has approved the tutorial
    is incorrect!

    But all things aside i assure you the tutorial would not be on this forum if it was not OK by Microsoft
    Last edited by mitchell64; 08 Oct 2010 at 23:31.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 27
    7 64
    Thread Starter

    thanks, i will give it a try
    "But all things aside i assure you the tutorial would not be on this forum if it was not OK by Microsoft "
    does microsoft own or run this forum?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 27
    7 64
    Thread Starter

    mitchell64 said:
    Hello Oceano, you need to go back to the tutorial & download a new msoe.dll 32bit or 64bit depending on your O.S.

    The msoe.dll in the tutorial has been updated, have a look at this post it explains what has happened and what you need to do;

    BTW somewhere in the tutorial thread it has been confirmed by a MVP that Microsoft has approved the tutorial

    Edit; it appears my memory has failed me and the above statement;

    BTW somewhere in the tutorial thread it has been confirmed by a MVP that Microsoft has approved the tutorial
    is incorrect!

    But all things aside i assure you the tutorial would not be on this forum if it was not OK by Microsoft
    where is the link to the newer version of msoe.dll ?
    the post you mentioned has no link to the file.
    thanks for your help
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 27
    7 64
    Thread Starter

    Windows Mail
    here is the link
    email now works - so far!
      My Computer


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