Firefox 3.6.13 clear history

  1. Posts : 560

    Firefox 3.6.13 clear history

    Hello all,

    I'm cleaning my PC, defrag, clearing temp files, etc... On Firefox I want to completely remove all cookies and history.

    Even though I set it to do so, see pic below, as soon as I go to a site that requires a username and password and enter the first letter it adds the rest or the username, even the password.

    Whats the easiest way to clean everything out.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Firefox 3.6.13 clear history-capture.jpg  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 826
    Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit SP1

    Ticking site preferences will clear out things like cookie settings, etc but your saved username and passwords will remain, until you delete them. (I'm glad that clear history doesn't wipe out the saved user names though, that'd be such a hassle having to re-enter everything.)

    Clearing user names and passwords: Tools > Options > Security > Saved Passwords > Remove all

    Edit: You probably just delete the firefox profile if you want that a clean wipe done

    eldinv said:
    Hello all,

    I'm cleaning my PC, defrag, clearing temp files, etc... On Firefox I want to completely remove all cookies and history.

    Even though I set it to do so, see pic below, as soon as I go to a site that requires a username and password and enter the first letter it adds the rest or the username, even the password.

    Whats the easiest way to clean everything out.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 560
    Thread Starter

    Sorry admin, I really should have post in the appropriate section.

    Lost Colonist thank you for the clarification.

    I was looking to clear cookies and it sounds like it did. The saved username/password part sounds like a backup, and indeed a good one.

    I don't need to clean those out but because they were still there I assume it wasn't clearing everything out.

    Thanks guys!
      My Computer


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