On a fresh installation of Windows 7 x64, Internet Explorer keeps crashing on every exit. This happens with IE 11, but I tried to downgrade it to IE 9, but the problem pertsists. Starting IE without plugins also does not help.
The same happens with some other programs, for example, Adobe Acrobat...
I get this message:
Problemhändelsens namn: APPCRASH
Programnamn: Explorer.EXE
Programversion: 6.1.7601.17567
Programtidsstämpel: 4d672ee4
Namn på felmodul: IDMNetMon64.DLL
Modulens version:
Tidsstämpel för felmodul: 527b9932
When I opened the local connection properties, or saved the settings, explorer.exe crashed.
I found the fault module is netcfgx.dll, how to fix it?
Thanks in advance.
Below is the application log info:
Log Name: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\notesC4A9C8\applicationProgram.evt...
I've never posted on a help forum before, so please bear with me.
I have a Dell Studio 1749 laptop, running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.
Windows Explorer is not working. That is, Windows Explorer, not Internet Explorer. It seemed like every forum I already checked this confused people....
About a week ago I installed another set of 2gb ram. Everything went off without a hitch, ran windows mem test after the first reboot to make sure everything was fine, (newegg doesn't give lemons much but I always check).
Came back clean, so I went online and loaded up youtube, flash continued at...