Multiple tabs in ie9, without clicking the tab button?

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  1. Posts : 6,305
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    flycaster said:
    Thanks for the try, Hopalong X. New links still open in the same tab as the link resided in...I don't get a separate new tab.

    Unfortunately, Mike C appears to be right in that what I want IE9 to do, it can't least for me. That is, I have a Logitech cordless trackman with very programable buttons but can't use the middle button to opnen a new tab. I have the middle button programmed for Enter and since I use Maxthon way more than IE, it wouldn't pay to free-up the mouse's middle button to use IE.
    That's the only way to open new tabs with 1 click. If you can't use that option then IE9 may not be the best choice if 2 clicks are not feasable.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,164
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

    CTRL+SHIFT then Left Click is all you can do right now since you are limited on the mouse buttons
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 472
    Windows 7 HP 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Thanks, all. Until IE gets a single click/new tab that I can use given my mouse's setup, I'll be sticking with maxthon.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    flycaster said:
    Thanks, all. Until IE gets a single click/new tab that I can use given my mouse's setup, I'll be sticking with maxthon.
    This might be a suitable workaround for you. All you need to do is hover on the link, ( you can set the time ) and that will open it for you. You don't even need to click! :)

    I sat down to write a script for you that would do this, and then I remembered this utility;

    1 Hour Software by Skrommel -

    You want "Mouse Activate". If you need the hover delay changing or anything like that. you can do so in the .ini file which is created in the same folder when the program is run for the first time;

    ;autoactivate=1 ;0,1 0=No 1=yes Enable or disable autoactivation
    ;activatedelay=200 ; Time in ms the mouse must stand still before activating a window
    ;startdisabled=0 ;0,1 0=No 1=yes Starts MouseActivate disabled
    ;activatecontrols=1 ;0,1 0=No 1=yes Also activates controls inside a window
    ;leftedgefrombottom=1 ;0,1 0=No 1=yes Mouse on left screenedge brings bottommost window to the top
    ;topedgetobottom=1 ;0,1 0=No 1=yes Mouse on top screenedge sends active windows to the bottom
    ;topleftshowdesktop=1 ;0,1 0=No 1=yes Mouse on topleft of screen minimizes all windows
    ;autoclick=0 ;0,1 0=No 1=yes Enable or disable autoclicking
    ;clickdelay=1000 ; Time in ms the mouse must stand still before clicking
    ;disableonmouseaction=0 ;0,1 0=No 1=yes Disable autoclicking when user clicks or drags


    This is the code if you want to change it yourself, for instance to "Auto-middle-click" on a link. If "disableonmouseaction" in the .ini file is set to 1, then any other mouse action will be carried out as normal, and the "auto-click" ignored. You will need autohotkey to compile it, or run it as a script.

    The executable is a standalone program which runs in your system tray.

    ;MouseActivate.ahk ; Automatically activates a window or a control when the mouse hovers over it. ;Skrommel @2005  #SingleInstance,Force CoordMode,Mouse,Screen SetBatchLines,-1 SetWinDelay,0  applicationname=MouseActivate  SysGet,dblx,36     ;SM_CXDOUBLECLK SysGet,dbly,37     ;SM_CYDOUBLECLK  Gosub,READINI Gosub,TRAYMENU If startdisabled=1   Gosub,TOGGLE  oldwinid= oldcontrolid= oldtitle= disable=0 counter=0 Loop {   oldmx=%mx%   oldmy=%my%   counter+=1    If disableonmouseaction=1   {       disable=0     KeyWait,LButton,D T0.05     If ErrorLevel=0       disable=1     KeyWait,RButton,D T0.05     If ErrorLevel=0       disable=1   }   Else     Sleep,100   WinGetTitle,title,ahk_id %winid%   WinGetClass,class,ahk_id %winid%   WinGetPos,wx,wy,ww,wh,ahk_id %winid%   MouseGetPos,mx,my,winid,controlid   If (mx<oldmx-dblx or mx>oldmx+dblx or my<oldmy-dbly or my>oldmy+dbly)     counter=0    If counter=%clickdelay%    If autoclick=1   If disable=0     MouseClick,left     If counter=%activatedelay%   {     If topleftshowdesktop=1     If mx=0     If my=0     If minimized=0     {       minimized=1       WinMinimizeAll       Continue     }     Else     {       minimized=0       WinMinimizeAllUndo       Continue     }      If topedgetobottom=1     If my=0     {       WinSet,Bottom,,A       WinGet,allwinids,List,,,Program Manager       StringTrimRight,allwinids1,allwinids1,0       WinActivate,ahk_id %allwinids2%       Continue     }      If leftedgefrombottom=1     If mx=0     {       WinGet,allwinids,List,,,Program Manager       bottomid:=allwinids%allwinids%       StringTrimRight,bottomid,bottomid,0       WinActivate,ahk_id %bottomid%       Continue     }      If autoactivate=1     {       If title<>       {         If winid<>%oldwinid%         {           WinActivate,ahk_id %winid%           oldwinid=%winid%           oldtitle=%title%         }          If activatecontrols<>0         If controlid<>         If controlid<>%oldcontrolid%         {           ControlFocus,%controlid%,ahk_id %winid%           oldcontrolid=%controlid%         }       }        If (controlid="SysTabControl321" Or (controlid="ToolbarWindow322" And class="Shell_TrayWnd"))       {         WinGetPos,x,y,w,h,ahk_id %winid% ;ControlGetPos,x,y,w,h,%controlid%,ahk_id %winid%         x:=mx-x         y:=my-y         ControlClick,X%x% Y%y%,ahk_id %winid%,,L,1 ;        If disableonmouseaction=1           counter=9999         oldtab=%tab%         oldcontrolid=%controlid%         oldwinid=%winid%         Continue       }     }   } }  READINI: IfNotExist,%applicationname%.ini { ini=`;%applicationname%.ini ini=%ini%`n`; ini=%ini%`n`;[Settings] ini=%ini%`n`;autoactivate=1         `;0,1  0=No 1=yes  Enable or disable autoactivation ini=%ini%`n`;activatedelay=200      `;     Time in ms the mouse must stand still before activating a window ini=%ini%`n`;startdisabled=0        `;0,1  0=No 1=yes  Starts %applicationname% disabled ini=%ini%`n`;activatecontrols=1     `;0,1  0=No 1=yes  Also activates controls inside a window ini=%ini%`n`;leftedgefrombottom=1   `;0,1  0=No 1=yes  Mouse on left screenedge brings bottommost window to the top ini=%ini%`n`;topedgetobottom=1      `;0,1  0=No 1=yes  Mouse on top screenedge sends active windows to the bottom ini=%ini%`n`;topleftshowdesktop=1   `;0,1  0=No 1=yes  Mouse on topleft of screen minimizes all windows ini=%ini%`n`;autoclick=0            `;0,1  0=No 1=yes  Enable or disable autoclicking ini=%ini%`n`;clickdelay=1000        `;     Time in ms the mouse must stand still before clicking ini=%ini%`n`;disableonmouseaction=0 `;0,1  0=No 1=yes  Disable autoclicking when user clicks or drags    ini=%ini%`n ini=%ini%`n[Settings] ini=%ini%`nautoactivate=1 ini=%ini%`nactivatedelay=200 ini=%ini%`nstartdisabled=0 ini=%ini%`nactivatecontrols=1 ini=%ini%`nleftedgefrombottom=1 ini=%ini%`ntopedgetobottom=1 ini=%ini%`ntopleftshowdesktop=1 ini=%ini%`nautoclick=0 ini=%ini%`nclickdelay=1000 ini=%ini%`ndisableonmouseaction=0 FileAppend,%ini%,%applicationname%.ini } IniRead,autoactivate,%applicationname%.ini,Settings,autoactivate IniRead,activatedelay,%applicationname%.ini,Settings,activatedelay IniRead,startdisabled,%applicationname%.ini,Settings,startdisabled IniRead,activatecontrols,%applicationname%.ini,Settings,activatecontrols IniRead,leftedgefrombottom,%applicationname%.ini,Settings,leftedgefrombottom IniRead,topedgetobottom,%applicationname%.ini,Settings,topedgetobottom IniRead,topleftshowdesktop,%applicationname%.ini,Settings,topleftshowdesktop IniRead,autoclick,%applicationname%.ini,Settings,autoclick IniRead,clickdelay,%applicationname%.ini,Settings,clickdelay IniRead,disableonmouseaction,%applicationname%.ini,Settings,disableonmouseaction activatedelay/=100 clickdelay/=100 Return  TRAYMENU: Menu,Tray,NoStandard Menu,Tray,DeleteAll Menu,Tray,Add,%applicationname%,TOGGLE Menu,Tray,Add, Menu,Tray,Add,&Enabled,TOGGLE Menu,Tray,Add, Menu,Tray,Add,&Settings...,SETTINGS Menu,Tray,Add,&About...,ABOUT Menu,Tray,Add,E&xit,EXIT Menu,Tray,Check,&Enabled Menu,Tray,Default,%applicationname% Menu,Tray,Tip,%applicationname% Return  TOGGLE: Menu,Tray,ToggleCheck,&Enabled Pause,Toggle Return  SETTINGS: Gosub,READINI Run,%applicationname%.ini Return  ABOUT: Gui,99:Destroy Gui,99:Margin,20,20 Gui,99:Add,Picture,xm Icon1,%applicationname%.exe Gui,99:Font,Bold Gui,99:Add,Text,x+10 yp+10,%applicationname% v1.0 Gui,99:Font Gui,99:Add,Text,y+10,Automatically activates a window or a control when the mouse hovers over it Gui,99:Add,Text,y+5 ,or clicks the left button if the mouse is left in the same place for 1 second. Gui,99:Add,Text,y+5,- Move the mouse to the upper left corner of the screen to show or hide the desktop. Gui,99:Add,Text,y+5,- Move the mouse to the top egde of the screen to send the active window to the back. Gui,99:Add,Text,y+5,- Move the mouse to the left egde of the screen to bring the bottommost window to the top. Gui,99:Add,Text,y+5,- To change the settings, choose the Settings menu in the Tray.  Gui,99:Add,Picture,xm y+20 Icon5,%applicationname%.exe Gui,99:Font,Bold Gui,99:Add,Text,x+10 yp+10,1 Hour Software by Skrommel Gui,99:Font Gui,99:Add,Text,y+10,For more tools, information and donations, please visit  Gui,99:Font,CBlue Underline Gui,99:Add,Text,y+5 G1HOURSOFTWARE, Gui,99:Font  Gui,99:Add,Picture,xm y+20 Icon7,%applicationname%.exe Gui,99:Font,Bold Gui,99:Add,Text,x+10 yp+10,DonationCoder Gui,99:Font Gui,99:Add,Text,y+10,Please support the contributors at Gui,99:Font,CBlue Underline Gui,99:Add,Text,y+5 GDONATIONCODER, Gui,99:Font  Gui,99:Add,Picture,xm y+20 Icon6,%applicationname%.exe Gui,99:Font,Bold Gui,99:Add,Text,x+10 yp+10,AutoHotkey Gui,99:Font Gui,99:Add,Text,y+10,This tool was made using the powerful Gui,99:Font,CBlue Underline Gui,99:Add,Text,y+5 GAUTOHOTKEY, Gui,99:Font  Gui,99:Show,,%applicationname% About hCurs:=DllCall("LoadCursor","UInt",NULL,"Int",32649,"UInt") ;IDC_HAND OnMessage(0x200,"WM_MOUSEMOVE")  Return  1HOURSOFTWARE:   Run,,,UseErrorLevel Return  DONATIONCODER:   Run,,,UseErrorLevel Return  AUTOHOTKEY:   Run,,,UseErrorLevel Return  99GuiClose:   Gui,99:Destroy   OnMessage(0x200,"")   DllCall("DestroyCursor","Uint",hCur) Return  WM_MOUSEMOVE(wParam,lParam) {   Global hCurs   MouseGetPos,,,,ctrl   If ctrl in Static12,Static16,Static20     DllCall("SetCursor","UInt",hCurs)   Return } Return   EXIT: ExitApp
    Regards....Mike Connor
    Last edited by Mike Connor; 23 Apr 2011 at 08:00.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    OK. I altered the script so that hovering on a link automatically sends a "middle-click" after 1 second. ( You can change the settings in the ini file, right click on the program icon in the tray). You can also enable or disable the autoclick feature by clicking on the tray icon. Change the delay times till they suit you. I have tested this on Explorer and it does exactly what you want.

    Here is the executable;

    mouseclick.exe - download now for free. File sharing. Software file sharing. Free file hosting. File upload.

    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 375
    Windows 7 Ultimate N 64-bit

    CTRL + T = new tab
    CTRL + W = close window
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    richyrichuk said:
    CTRL + T = new tab
    CTRL + W = close window
    True enough, but some people prefer to use a mouse more or less exclusively! Just how it is..........

    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 472
    Windows 7 HP 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Hey Mike C, good job and thanks. I won't be able to try it out right away, but I will get to it and check it out.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    flycaster said:
    Hey Mike C, good job and thanks. I won't be able to try it out right away, but I will get to it and check it out.
    My pleasure. Hope it suits you.

    Don't wait too long to download it. I have no idea how "safe" these file sharing sites are. I think it most unlikely that anybody would alter a file I uploaded, but better safe than sorry!

    Just for information, the only thing I had to alter was the mouse button click which is sent, from "Left" to "Middle". Works fine with IE9, I had a good play with it.

    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer

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