IE8 doesn't work properly after uninstalling updates from IE9

  1. Posts : 1
    Win 7 64bit

    IE8 doesn't work properly after uninstalling updates from IE9

    I updated Windows 7 64bit and it installed IE9 64bit. I used to be in IE8 64 or 32bit. I'm not sure.

    When on IE9 I had so much problems with flash player. So I uninstalled the updates to IE9.

    Now my IE8 doesn't fully work anymore. I updated Flash player, thinking that was the problem. Some thing with Internet Explorere (non-64bit)

    I play a lot of those Facebook applications like farmville and cityville. I can get to the game ok, but any popup within the game to ask request, don't work anymore.

    I am already using firefox for my other account, so I need IE working.
    Last edited by djf863000; 07 May 2011 at 09:38.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 529
    windows 8.1 Pro x64

    is there a specific error? perhaps a screenshot.

    When I installed IE9 on this machine and then removed it,. the only noticeable problem I have is I get the new welcome box everytime I fire up the first session.
      My Computer


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