Something wrong with IE

  1. Posts : 80
    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit

    Something wrong with IE

    Hi. As I open Internet Explorer, I get this message as soon as I type in ANY address in to the URL field, and press "Enter". And it's not letting me go to any site. Luckily I have Mozilla Firefox installed,and I'm using that. What is up here?? Can somebody help me, please?? Thank You people!!!

    Internet Explorer 9.0
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Something wrong with IE-message-i-see.jpg  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 80
    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit
    Thread Starter

    ilyabyk83 said:
    Hi. As I open Internet Explorer
    I removed IE. Using FireFox.

    Is there any other ways other than the regular browser to ask to be set as "default"??
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 53,405
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Hello ilyabyk83. Not sure if you are asking how to make FF your default browser? If so...

    Tools> Options> Advanced> General> Always check to see if Firefox is the default browser on startup

    Something wrong with IE-clipboard01.jpg

    If not, please explain what you want to do. A Guy
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 80
    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit
    Thread Starter

    A Guy said:
    Hello ilyabyk83. Not sure if you are asking how to make FF your default browser? If so...

    Tools> Options> Advanced> General> Always check to see if Firefox is the default browser on startup

    Something wrong with IE-clipboard01.jpg

    If not, please explain what you want to do. A Guy
    Guys, thank you for all of the help. But the issue went away on couple of boots. Now, I'm all good. Thank You, this is resolved.
    MilesAhead said:
    For SuperBar I use Standalone Stacks 2. It uses the same stacks library as RocketDock. I have a folder with subfolders of categorized apps that I used as a toolbar for awhile. What I didn't like is it required unfolding the folders as menus with mouse hover. Way too slow and tedious. I moved it to Documents to keep my desktop clean. Then dragged each subfolder onto RocketDock. I set each folder with a custom icon to make the category obvious. (Obvious to me anyway. The teal square with the white F is my site icon to symbolize software development tools.)
      My Computer


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