Cannot send link or page by office outlook 2007 .

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  1. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SERVICE PACK 1

    Cannot send link or page by office outlook 2007 .

    When I try to send a link from my explorer 9 by using :File ---Send --Page by e-mail or send Link by e-mal , my explorer 9 freezes and my office outlook 2007 is not opening to send mail ,so I must reset my pc .
    In normal working -there is no problem to send , receive and and attach files .
    My O.S is win7 ultimate 64 bit + office 2007 all is updated .
    Please try to help me .
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,800
    Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1

    henry74 said:
    When I try to send a link from my explorer 9 by using :File ---Send --Page by e-mail or send Link by e-mal , my explorer 9 freezes and my office outlook 2007 is not opening to send mail ,so I must reset my pc .
    In normal working -there is no problem to send , receive and and attach files .
    My O.S is win7 ultimate 64 bit + office 2007 all is updated .
    Please try to help me .
    Welcome Henry74 to the windows 7 forums.

    have you gone and looked at your ie9 tools internet options| set programs?

    Then you will need to select which program opens when you select mailto:
    or send page.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Cannot send link or page by office outlook 2007 .-ie9-options-1.gif   Cannot send link or page by office outlook 2007 .-ie9-options-2.gif  
      My Computer

  3. JMH
    Posts : 7,952
    Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit. SP1.


    * Have you checked in Event Viewer?
    Type eventvwr in search.
    Go to the Windows Logs > Application in the left hand column.
    Note anything in red that relates to the problem.
    Please record the event ID, and the Source Code and tell us what they are.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SERVICE PACK 1
    Thread Starter

    Cannot send link or page by office outlook 2007

    Thank you for your replays
    1. Yes -the first thing I have done was checking my explorer properties and and setting the programs to: Microsoft Office PUBLISHER –BUT NO GOOD RESULTS .
    2. I have two eventsvwrs A. Internal on operating system . B .a program name SIW -for system information for windows .
    Both show that I have an error once or twice a day -error : WinMgmt ID 10 .
    In windows viewer I can see also other errors that appear rarely like :WMI ID 10
    and error CAP2 ID 407 .
    I suspect that the WInMgt error is the troublemaker but to solve this problem I need an expert .

    Thanks henry74
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SERVICE PACK 1
    Thread Starter

    Dear users :)
    There was a misunderstanding on my side : The first question solved my problem but I did not pay attention to the settings that was sent to me .
    Later I understood that I must choose the program "Notepad " instead of Microsoft office publisher , and when I have done it I can send links and pages through my office outlook 2007 with the explorer .
    Thank you for your help in solving this problem ,but still I will wait for the replay to the error in my events viewer .
    Sorry for missleading you in my first answer.


      My Computer

  6. JMH
    Posts : 7,952
    Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit. SP1.

    Here you go...
    Use the same link for searching your other errors.
    {Sometimes only the Event ID is needed}

    Event ID: 10 Source: WinMgmt
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SERVICE PACK 1
    Thread Starter

    Cannot send link or page by office outlook 2007

    I am sorry to inform you that the next day when I tried to send a link or a page from my explorer the previous problem rise again and now the explorer freezes when I do this action .(As before )
    I did not change any setting and the program that I use with my explorer is set to NOTEPAD ,but even I change the setting to other option -the result is the same .
    Why did I get to good results at the first day -I can not explain -but this is the fact .
    I still need an advice and help on this problem .


      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,800
    Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1

    Henry74, when you say you used Notepad as the target for sendto, that should not be the case, it should
    be set to outlook by default. Where are you putting Notepad into your setting?

      My Computer

  9. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SERVICE PACK 1
    Thread Starter

    Dear Friend
    Thank you for your quick response .
    In my win7 ultimate explorer 9 there are these options to choose to HTML editing :
    1 .Microsoft Office Excel .
    2.Microsoft Office Publisher .
    3.Microsoft Office Word
    4. Notepad .
    I have tried all options but the result is the same the explorer is freezing and no mail box is opening .
    But the day I saw your suggestion and changed the setting from Microsoft office publisher to Notepad -suddenly all worked o.k
    The next day when I opened my PC and try to send a page or mail from my explorer the problem resized again .
    I hope that now you have all the details .

      My Computer

  10. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SERVICE PACK 1
    Thread Starter

    Yes my office outlook is my default program .
      My Computer

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