firefox vs chrome

  1. Posts : 99
    windows 7 home premium 64 bitt

    firefox vs chrome

    hi my fellow users
    there is a thing i do not understand,firefox should be the fastest browser in the world,why is google ghrome faster then?
    and i can mention one area where you can actually see the difference,the function i am talking about is loading my g-mail,in that particular area chrome is faster pure and simple.

    kind regards asser
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 388
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit OS

    Browser wars again?

    How many times does this topic come up on the internet.
    I have a question to - why is it that everyone these days is in such a
    hurry that they can't wait an extra couple of seconds for their page/ mail
    etc etc to load. Really? If your gonna compare one browser to another I think
    the idea would be to look at what security features each offers - now that
    is something I would be willing to spend some time looking at.

    To answer your question - I dont know :)

    This isn't a personal shot at your question, this is just me over
    the let's compare this to that in milliseconds and then say one is better thing.
    If I was on the rocket they're gonna send to mars I might be worried
    about a millisecond difference in computing power and or the
    software I was navigating with.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 529
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    Well, it is your own choice. I used firefox for a while but Firefox crashes a lot on my computer (on youtube...). So I use Chrome now and it's fast and if you look at the security about chrome it is very good :P
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 177
    Windows 7 HP / Ultimate x64

    talking about is loading my g-mail,in that particular area chrome is faster pure and simple.
    Gmail and Chrome are Google products, so it's a no brainer that it works really well. :)
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 670
    Windows 7 Pro 64bit build 7601 SP1

    In the real world and not benchmarks Chrome is only slightly faster to me. But speed isn't the ultimate measure of browser. It's like the Apple vs Droid argument. Apple has limited customization while droid has more. Currently Chrome has limited customizing while FF you can modify almost every aspect of it. Apple performance is slightly more consistent while depending on the phone droid has various performance measures. It's really down to personal preference at this point to me.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,275
    Windows 7 Home Premium

    Personal preference is more important than the "benchmark" speed differences, which are minimal, and really only noticeable by looking at numbers, not real world use.

    If you like the browser, use it. Browser wars are the most ridiculous thing.
    It's like comparing a car that gets 25.4 miles per gallon to a car that gets 25.5 miles per gallon. If that little bit of difference in numbers is going to make the decision for you, then you've got problems. It's unnoticeable, and it only looks good on paper.
      My Computer


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