Websites not completely loading

  1. Posts : 5
    Window 7

    Websites not completely loading

    I've got a fairly new Dell Inspiron ONE computer with Window 7. Every since I bought it new some website home pages intermittently will not load completely. Sometimes I can refresh the page and it will open. I keep the cookies along with defragging on a regular basis. After clearing cookies I can sometime reboot and the websites will load ok. Also sometimes the page may continue to load and sometime it will stop loading and only the website header will appear. Some days I can go all day and all website will load ok. What's going on here?

    Can and does my ISP have anything to do with these conditions and or is there anything I can do to correct it?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,796
    Windows 10, Home Clean Install

    You could try some of these suggestions. Especially number 1
    Troubleshooting Internet Explorer Issues
    If none of them work, try a clean boot to test.
    Troubleshoot Application Conflicts by Performing a Clean Startup
    Make sure that you have ample memory, too.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 960
    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 - 64 Bit

    1. Try resetting the DNS Cache and restore the hosts file:

    "Flush the DNS cache and restore MS's Hosts file ...
    Copy and paste these lines in Note pad.

    @Echo on
    attrib -h -s -r hosts
    echo localhost>HOSTS
    attrib +r +h +s hosts
    ipconfig /release
    ipconfig /renew
    ipconfig /flushdns
    netsh winsock reset all
    netsh int ip reset all
    shutdown -r -t 1
    del %0

    Save as flush.bat to your desktop. Right click on the flush.bat file to run it as Administrator. Your computer will reboot itself."

    From Post #5:
    Detected DNS cache poisoning attack.

    2. Reset and turn off the router for 5 minutes

    3. Look into your Wireless Network Configuration.

    4. Replace your Wireless Card

    5. Call your ISP.
      My Computer


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