Have you tried deleting browsing history/cache?
If you don't want to do it manually, Ccleaner could do that for you.
Download CCleaner 3.22.1800 -
Download and install.
On the main Cleaner tab click on Applications and hit
Run Cleaner
Now see if you're webpages load correctly.
Also, is your Flash player up to date?
Post back for further suggestions.
If you use CCleaner, go to advanced and UN check, Only delete files in Windows temp files older than 24 hours.
To do it manually in IE9, go to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Internet Options, General tab. Under Browsing history, click delete. You will get the options window shwon. Only check Temp Internet files and History, unless you want to delete others.
Thanks for your help. I ran CC and , after a long delay, it did the job. I ran it this morning before I posted on here but it got stuck on 38%. I ran it after your advice and just left it, but it worked. It normally runs in seconds. I've never known it take this long. Anyhow, once again, many thanks.