Arranging Toolbars in IE9

  1. Posts : 715
    Windows 7 Pro

    Arranging Toolbars in IE9

    Here is what my Toolbars look like in IE:

    Arranging Toolbars in IE9-toolbars1.jpg

    Arranging Toolbars in IE9-toolbars2.jpg

    Looking at Image 2, the Google box is only about 1 inch long and I can not really see what I have typed into it.

    Is there anyway to place the Google Toolbar on a separate line by itself so that the box is longer and I can see what I have typed into it.

    Up until recently, it was showing as longer box and I am not sure what happened to change it. Any help be appreciated.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,491
    Win7 Pro-64 Bit

    Try this, it wont put it on a different line but will/should lengthen the google box. Unlock the toolbar drag the google box to the left, then expand the box from left to right using the expansion bar. Don't forget to lock your toolbars again if that is your preference.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 715
    Windows 7 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Thank YOU BrightBlessings


    That worked great.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,491
    Win7 Pro-64 Bit

    Glad it worked for you.
      My Computer


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