Outlook web app doesn't show some of libraries when attaching files

  1. Posts : 1
    64 bit Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1

    Outlook web app doesn't show some of libraries when attaching files

    I have the following problem. When working with outlook web app and attaching files some of the catalogues existing on the hard drive (and possible to access from say My Computer or Documents) don't show in the window poping up when clicking on attachment icon... Can anyone throw light on the issue???
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 20,583
    Win-7-Pro64bit 7-H-Prem-64bit

    This is a known issue,
    Click the Start button and click on your User name near the top of the page,
    Click on Organize on the top left/ Folder and search options/ View section/ Scroll the list and check the box to Show hidden folders, files and drives/ Apply and Okay.
    Massive resetting of the hidden attributes can be done by right clicking the (my pictures...) listing, and select Properties,
    General tab section, Check the Hidden box near the bottom, and click on Apply,
    This will change all of the files to hidden, click on yes,
    Then Uncheck the hidden box and Apply,
    It will remove the hidden attribute from all of your files, click on yes,
    Then Lastly click on Apply and Okay.

    Rename the effected folders.
    Uninstall ie10 see this,
    Last edited by ThrashZone; 05 Aug 2013 at 19:13. Reason: Remove link to bleeping computer utility
      My Computer


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