Right on, chinga. Heres mine on my spare disk.
just tried it myself. it doesn't work( the "ocinstallshowoe.exe" runs vista's windows mail, not w7's, and without this patch the w7's winmail doesn't want to start as it thinks it is "disabled" or something like that..
anyway, thanx)
ok it does work
you have to make the win 7 mail folder first then boot in to vista and change to the win7 mail folder and it will work
the only thing is when you boot into each op system you have to redo your email account and password each time you change from vista or win7
cheers brad
ps when i change vista 32 to use the same location got message there had been a corruption but recovered
all except xp32 are now using same location with no problems
my xp only has outlook ver 6 installed so maybe later on i will update it and try it as well
Last edited by chinga69; 29 Nov 2008 at 17:46.
how do i do that?you have to make the win 7 mail folder first then boot in to vista and change to the win7 mail folder and it will work
here what i do:
1) booted in Vista
2) open Program Files\Windows Mail on W7's drive
3) run winmail.exe and nothing, no Outlook
then I try to run outlook unlocker (ocinstallshowoe.exe) and it shows me Vista's Windows Mail
Last edited by MegaFixer; 30 Nov 2008 at 03:29.
have you replaced the win7 mail folder contents with the vista mail folder contents
if not go back to page 2 of this thread and mr grim has posted what you need to do
I think you can just change the name of the Windows Mail folder in Windows 7 to Windows Mail (2) and then Just copy and paste the one from Vista and that does the same thing but it's a bit easier. Also just make sure when you rename the folder that you haven't got WinMail running in task manager or it might not let you rename it.
And if that does work then I'm sorry for telling every one else to do it the hard way, but at least it was a good exercise in taking ownership of your files.