Thank you so much!
I used your Resolving Host fix and was a little worried since the advice was so old...but it still works !
I used your Resolving Host fix and was a little worried since the advice was so old...but it still works !
Unfortunately I spoke too soon...10 minutes later Resolving Host is back at work. Now I have unplugged both my router and modem, waited 1 minute and plugged them both back in....which also didn't what?
If you have read through the entire thread, people were having issues with McAfee, Spybot S&D, etc. adding their own HOSTs file entries. This is the first suspect I believe. Honestly, I don't have any help for you. This is a very common issue, and beyond those who have had it fixed by the script in this thread, most have no joy.
I have not heard of anyone having this issue with Vivaldi, a Chromium based browser, as Chrome is. I have never heard of anyone having this issue with Vivaldi. It is my preferred browser, you might give it a look.
A Guy