Cannot send email in Windows live

  1. Posts : 1
    windows 7 Professional 32 bit

    Cannot send email in Windows live

    Having an unusual problem.
    have to repeatedly click on "send" in order to send an email, it may take two to ten times in order to send the email. get error message, I just keep on clicking "send" until I make connection.
    once the connection is made and the email is sent, I can send emails normally, as long as I do not shut down Windows Live Mail, if I do have to start all over again to make the connection.
    I have had my ISP, Frontier, check out the connection without any help.

    Failed to make note that I also have a laptop that had window 7, it also had the same problem in not sending emails without clicking "send"several times, upgraded to windows 10 and the laptop still has the same problem.
    My limited knowledge indicates ISP problem, they (Frontier) say not there problem.
    Last edited by Bigred34; 04 Oct 2015 at 13:58.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 21,004
    Desk1 7 Home Prem / Desk2 10 Pro / Main lap Asus ROG 10 Pro 2 laptop Toshiba 7 Pro Asus P2520 7 & 10

    Hello and welcome Bigred mate first up I would be trying these< if necessary include the /f and /r in the command line as per Option2

    ADW download from bleeping computer delete any rubbish found with themalware scans

    (NBIf one is running Kaspersky security it may rant about ADW - just ignore it ordisable Kaspersky while the ADW is being used)

    Now this is just to make sure there is no simple corruption of the files or some nasty making your life miserable.
      My Computer


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