Phantom "Favorites" on WinExp
I have just discovered in Win-Exp ... C: | Users | Administrator | Favorites | Favorites Bar ... 3 shortcuts.
None of the shortcuts display on the 'Favorites Bar" in WinExplorer, but they are listed in the folder ...
C: | Users | Administrator | Favorites | Favorites Bar
ie, C:\Users\Administrator\Favorites
The shortcuts are all URL links
The "Favorites" folder displays the sub-folder caption as "Favorites Bar" but when copied as a path string "Favorites Bar" becomes "Links" ?
Breadcrumb string: C: Local Disk | Users | Administrator | Favorites | Favorites Bar
Path address: C: | Users | Administrator | Favorites | Links
? How can the 3 shortcuts exist and not display on the 'Favorites Bar" ?
My limited knowledge is based on Tom's Hardware - Windows 7 Favorites Toolbar missing
The missing shortcuts on Favorites Bar is not a life or death situation, is there a simple explanation that I am missing ?
• have never had Norton on this machine
• don't play games
• checked Internet Explorer, no favorites listed there ... I don't use IE anyway
Toshiba Satellite c665
Win7 HP x86