purevpn and gmail
l was wondering if anyone knew any solutions to the issue of google telling me there is suspicious activity on my account and forcing me to change my passwords every time l use my VPN?
not getting much help from support at this second as l dont think their first language is english and they are having issues understanding what lm trying to say.. but in a nutshell l have 4 accounts l connect to (two of which are shared with work and or family members) so changing passwords constantly every time my IP changes is problematic and frustrating.
suffice to say, lm looking for a way to still be able to login to my emails through my VPN somehow without having to constantly change passwords even if my IP changes every time l reboot. would prefer to use x-notifier (firefox addon) however if l have to use a third party program like thunderbird to bypass the VPN somehow, just as long as l can retain access without having to constantly change passwords due to google thinking my access was suspicious activity then ld appreciate any advice ppl can give.