Hello again, I've not been here for a while. I'm getting extremely frustrated with the baffling unintuitive coding and layout of Websites lately. Since the recent Firefox update, 91.0.1 and .0.2, Youtube videos won't autoplay on page load. I devised a question to ask on Google Communities but no matter how I try or where I look there is no way to ask a question. Typically when I search Google for answers to the problem, the answer assumes an alternate reality where different unknown devices are used, i.e. the answers never work. Anyway, the original question:
Since Firefox update 91.0.1 Youtube videos no longer autoplay on page or tab load. Please note, I don't want the videos to autoplay after the video has finished but I'd like them to autostart like they used to on first page / tab load. Is there any scripts available to add to tampermonkey or something like that? There is an option to fix this in Firefox sync but it requires an account and having to sign in. I'd rather avoid this and have the video autoplay whether or not I'm signed in to anything. Remember, I don't want Youtube videos to autoplay after the video has played, only on page, tab load or page refresh. Thanks in advance for any help.
Above is what I want to ask on Google communities, however if anyone knows the answer here I'd appreciate help. If anyone knows how questions get asked on Google that would be even better.
Kind Regards