OK, a few more odiities.
If I copy / paste the file - I can delete the new one!
Until I close that folder. When I go back, it will noy delete.
If I copy the file to another folder by dragging it - I cannot delete the new one.
If I copy the duplicate back, it will replace the old one.
I cannot MOVE an .eml file - the option isn't even presented.
And I cannot RENAME it, no such option presented.
There is something in the attributes that will not even offer up a delete.
More wierd - if I save a copy of a test email, as long as Windows Live Mail is open - I can delete it! Oddly, it remains deletable when I close Live Mail.
It BECOMES undeletable when I close Windows Explorer and reopen it!
Holy Smokes, Batman - what is going on!
I also found that if I copy - it won't let me move - out of My Documents to Downloads, it will let me delete that one.
If I copy or move that one back to My Documents - it is no longer deletable.
It's something in Windows Explorer - my documents.
I probably have some option set somewhere.
I don't have the problem with any other type of file!
Thanks - as I said, not a killer problem - kind of fascinating.