Big Problem with website

  1. Posts : 2
    windows 7 64bits

    Big Problem with website

    Hi all,

    Just formated my computer, i have two websites which i had access to before, but now i only have access to them 2-3 minutes, after i reboot, after this period of time it says the delay has expired and website did not respond, i can access these 2 sites from all other computers on my network but not from my main computer, this is the only pc running windows 7, i tried changing stuff in my firewall, tried changing ip adress, tried to bypass the router but nothing worked...i am completely out of idea...if anybody has questions or ideas on what might be causing this please tell me caus these sites are very important to me.

    thanks you in advance for your help:):):)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,083
    Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit

    You might have spyware or malware running. Use Malwarebytes to scan around. Also, what AV are you currently running?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17,796
    Windows 10, Home Clean Install

    The probable answer in a word, conflict. A process is conflicting with the site. Try this

    How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or in Windows 7

    If it does not work, my guess is your antivirus or other secuity software. Check for virus.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    windows 7 64bits
    Thread Starter


    checked out some other forums and found out that it was actually malwarebytes that was blocking the site ip, added them in the ignore list and now everything is working normally again.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 17,796
    Windows 10, Home Clean Install

    Glad that I could help. I use malwarebytes, too. The first page that I viewed using Malwarebytes came up as a positive. Never had the problem, again.
      My Computer


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