Restart looping
Hello, I am brand new & not a real computer geek. I can normally follow instructions. But, I did not know how to get the report that is ask for in the Posting Instructions. Sorry I failed.
I will try to be as clear as possible with what I have done or any info you need.
Windows 7 32 bit Full retail
HP Pavilion a6110n
It was a clean install 4 months ago onto a new hard drive. At the same time I got a new card and installed a second monitor. I’ve had no problems until now.
As soon as it boots I get a pop up saying “Windows explorer has stopped working” immediately flashes to “Windows Explorer is restating”. All desktop icons disappear but, the desktop background stays so, it is not completely shutting down on each restart. I only have 5-10 seconds between starts.
I have disconnected everything except Keyboard, mouse, and monitor.
I have tried to boot into safe mood and the screen just stays black…it does NOTHING.
I have tried to boot from the original Windows 7 CD and it boots from the hard drive not the CD.
System Restore says it cannot restore no matter what point I have tried. It says it is possibly being blocked by anti virus even though I think I have turned everything off. But, it is constantly restarting so I am not sure if everything is staying off.
I can do a Control Alt Delete and get into task manger. Task manager shows: Processes 55 , CPU Usage 0-40%, Physical Memory 33%
I have done a “Fix problems and Windows Updates” from the Systems and security. It says couldn’t find any problems. I also did a Check Performance Issues…No help.
I can open my control Panel but, many times anything I click on gives me a Message that the program has stopped working and only lets me close it.
I cannot get to Firefox or Internet Explorer that I know of because the system is constantly restarting.
I have been through many of the threads here on the forum and now have myself completely confused.
Thank you for your time.