Blue is pretty....but I dont like it.
Hello guys,
I have just rebuilt my comp from the motherboard up...It is pretty much a brand new machine..
I am running:
gigabyte 880GA-UD3H motherboard
AMD PhenomII X6 1090T 3.2 Ghz
ATI Radeon HD5770 1GB GDDR5 graphics card
Western Digital 250GB SATA (unknown cache) this is the main drive local disk C:
Western Digital 1TB SATA 64MB HDD (drive formatted to drive E:)
A C Bell 510 watt power unit
Coolermaster tower and no extra cooling (original single fan)
Windows 7 64bit Home the disc.
I am getting pretty random bluescreens,then it reboots again no problem....There has been some error reporting and minidump thingo's...
Here is the requested zip file...
I would appreciate any help that you guys can offer...
Happy Christmas.