Consistent BSODs for Gaming & Video

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Consistent BSODs for Gaming & Video

    Hello, I'll try to make it clear and simple -

    (I've attached a Zip with my Perfmon report and NT6_BSOD dump file to this post as well so if that's all you need just skip to that part)

    Problem :

    During internet video such as Youtube or Ted Talks and also during SOME video games the computer experiences a strange video glitch where lines and tearing instantly appear across the screen. This does not interfere with any other function of the computer aside from looking terrible until I do something like close an application or otherwise call on the computer to do something at which point my computer will BSOD giving Memory Management, and other error reasons (I'll make a full list)

    When it happens (Specifically) :

    - Sometimes when I full screen a youtube video. It's completely random as far as I can tell and might not happen all day one day but happen two or three times on another day. There's no way I can predict when watching a video will cause the error.

    - During some video games. Some games consistently cause the problem every hour on average while others have never ever had the problem occur for them even with all other variables the same (antivirus, graphics intensity, etc) some low graphics games will cause crashes while other bleeding-edge games will not.

    I wish I could be more specific, but those are the only two circumstances when it's done this.

    List of BSOD reasons:

    PFN_LIST_CORRUPT 0x0000004e
    BAD_POOL_CALLER 0x000000c2
    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT 0x0000001a
    (This is when I turned on driver verifier)

    Things I've done about it:

    - Swapped out ram and run Memtest several times
    - removed STPD
    - changed windows 7 power settings to High Performance (recommended somewhere else in this forum)
    - Driver Sweepered and then re-installed Motherboard and Graphics Card drivers to current.
    - Lots of googling
    - disabled antivirus temporarily

    But so far nothing has made any impact or difference on the unpredictable but occasionally repeatable error. (For example the new Secret of Monkey Island game causes the problem within the first 2 minutes of playing almost everytime, BUT I can still play the game without even noticing for a very long time, changing levels and even saving the game without any crashes. I can tell it's happened because occasionally the mouse moves to the corner of the screen and I can see that it's glitched out in the exact way it is during this error but the rest of the game is flawless, unlike some other games that become immediately unplayable.)

    So. Ah. What's wrong with it doc?


    System specs are:

    OS Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    CPU Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHZ
    Motherboard XFX nForce 780i SLI
    Memory 2x2GB
    Graphics Card Radeon 4800
    Sound Card Onboard
    Monitor(s) Displays LG W2353v Flatscreen LCD 23'

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,383
    Windows 10 Pro x64, Arch Linux

    glitch where lines and tearing instantly appear across the screen
    This is a sign of overheating or a defective GPU
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Hmm well defective maybe, but definitely not overheating. The GPU temp never goes above 60c even under heavy load.

    How does the theory of a defective GPU mesh with the data that it's only occurring with some games and not all games and sometimes high graphics-intensive games while at other times with low graphic intensive games?

    Is there a way to test for defectiveness in the GPU aside from putting in a new GPU to compare?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,383
    Windows 10 Pro x64, Arch Linux

    If green lines or random pixels appear then its the GPU the culprit

    The minidump blames KernExplorer64.sys - part of AdAware. Remove AdAware immediately.
    Replace it with MSE

    Also, it would be a good idea to run a memtest sooner rather than later just incase faulty RAM is the cause.
    RAM - Test with Memtest86+
    BugCheck C4, {3c, 664, 0, 0}
    Unable to load image \??\C:\Program Files (x86)\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware\KernExplorer64.sys, Win32 error 0n2
    *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for KernExplorer64.sys
    *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for KernExplorer64.sys
    Probably caused by : KernExplorer64.sys ( KernExplorer64+1277 )
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Well Hmm.

    I uninstalled AdAware and ran it for a while but it didn't seem to fix the problem. (as in it crashed in an identical manner as before) After swapping out a different video card the problem hasn't come up since.

    As this is sorta solved, I guess thanks are in order.
      My Computer


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