BSODS issues with new PC
Hello everyone,
I've just received my new PC today and I'm having some issues with BSOD (happened 4 times). I think it has to do with my internet connection somehow. Have had trouble both while using the Wifi (PCI card) or the ethernet (motherboard) connection. It happened while i was reinstalling WoW (ie downlaoding files through the game launcher) and/or while i was downloading with utorrent. However I didnt actually see the BSOD, I just left my PC unattended while it was downloading and everyimte I came back (20+ mins later), windows had restarded and indicated that it had recovered from a BSOD. For some reason this isn't happening while I'm sitting in front of my PC so this could be screensaver related (set at 10 mins).
Windows 7
- home premium 64 bits
- win 7 is the originally installed OS
- OEM version
- What is the age of system (hardware)? new PC received today
- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?)? has been installed today
Thanks for your help.
I wish you a merry christams.