Automatic Windows Shutdown every day at 11:06am? What do I check?

  1. Posts : 16
    Windows 7 Professional 64

    Automatic Windows Shutdown every day at 11:06am? What do I check?


    Every day, at 11:06am, I get a message on my laptop saying Windows is shutting down. I am not sure where to go look to see whats causing the 'scheduled' shutdown.

    I am not seeing anything in the task scheduler that would cause it & nothing that is scheduled at 11:06am daily.

    Any ideas what it is or where i can find some information on how to turn that 'feature' off?

    I am using Windows 7 Pro 64 on a Dell Latitude E4310 on a fresh install (not a dell bloatware one).

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,796
    Windows 10, Home Clean Install

    Try to type task scheduler in search. Look for it there
    If you cannot find it, the cause is some software that starts up with boot.
    Try a clean boot to find out which one
      My Computer


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