BSOD bsod 0x8e ....suspected due to corrupt drivers or virus?
Hi Windows 7 kinship,
My first post here....nothing to feel happy the post is because of a dreaded thing called BSOD.
Whats happening:
My laptop with windows 7 ultimate edition with crashes with bsod 0x8e
This happens only when im connected to the internet , laptop stays on the internet for some while and then suddenly goes to the screen of death.
Since When and how:
I helped a friend send an photo attachment from his Pen drive about 12 days ago. I have strong feel that my laptop picked the virus from the pen drive as my laptop was perfect( yea ...even with Windows) prior to that.
Post that I have downloaded Norton 360 --> run complete scans--> removed all possible viruses.....some of them keep on reappearing with strange file names, those filenames have no mention on the internet and are exes....however norton is doing well to quaratine and delete them.
some googling revealed that this BSOD is related to driver related issues, however I have not played around much with the system drivers....was in the process of downloading latest video drivers when ....BOOM....BSOD again.
Im attaching a few Dump files from the last few crashes.....hoping the superiors can analyze help me fix it.
In the last 7 days....I did not connect the system to the internet at all and the system crashes just once.....however today I tried to work after connecting to a network...and it has crashed 4 times already.