Bsod - irql_not_less_or_equal
This is what happened .
I went to sleep with my pc downloading and when I woke up it was in hang . since it 99% of the restarts has crashed .and the problem is that no new programs or drivers had been newly installed . and since last install it had successfully been restarted for at least 2 times .
around 80 % of the crashes ID is IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL
around 20 % of the crashes ID is SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION
I have WhoCrashed 3 and it says its something to do with ntoskrnl.exe but I cant Identify the cause of the crash ...
Safe Mode runs fine but using f8 shows only start normally - safe mode - safe mode networking - safe mode cmd and not the othes like last known good ...
tried using safe mode to uninstall basic drivers ( device manager - right click - uninstall ) like video drivers and network and sound .
tried unistalling using smart uninstaller of win 7 manager .
tried registery cleaner using win 7 manager .
tried recovery mode of windows to restore to an early state .
tried uninstalling norton internet security 2010
None worked . any Ideas ? some dump files included at 11 crashes dump file.rar