More BSOD'ing, this time on a new laptop. D:

  1. Posts : 15
    Windows 7 64-bit

    More BSOD'ing, this time on a new laptop. D:

    It's a curse, it's got to be.

    I've recently done away with my old laptop and purchased a HP G62 laptop. From today I have it for a total of three days when I got the Blue Screen Stop Error "BSOD Driver_IRQL_not_less_or_equal"

    Can anyone tell me what the heck is wrong? I'd apreciate it muchly, because this computer cost me €800.

    Copy of mini-dump attached.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 28,845
    Win 8 Release candidate 8400

    Nihilist said:
    It's a curse, it's got to be.

    I've recently done away with my old laptop and purchased a HP G62 laptop. From today I have it for a total of three days when I got the Blue Screen Stop Error "BSOD Driver_IRQL_not_less_or_equal"

    Can anyone tell me what the heck is wrong? I'd apreciate it muchly, because this computer cost me €800.

    Copy of mini-dump attached.
    For glaring starters you have Symantec, Avast, and I think zone alarm installed together.

    Remove all three and replace with Microsoft security essentials.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 15
    Windows 7 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Okay, I uninstalled Avast, I do not have ZoneAlarm installed, and Synmantic came with the laptop - so would it be wise to get rid of that too? I previously had an older version installed on another laptop, and it caused more hassle than good.
      My Computer


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