BSOD from ntoskrnl.exe and AC Adapter?
Hey all, thanks for reading this if you do haha.
Is Windows 7 . . .
- x64
- Originally was Vista, but I installed Windows 7 on the laptop.
- Age of System: 1.5 years.
- Age of System: 1.4 years (I ran vista for a little bit before swapping to 7)
My laptop had been working fine and dandy until I came back from Minnesota to Florida, on the 22nd. I don't recall installing a lot of programs. I did install Mass Effect, not sure if that has a lot to do with it. Also some updated drivers for my graphics card, thinking I might downgrade the drivers (is that possible?).Somewhere along the lines, I started getting Blue Screen'd, not totally super frequent, but a couple times a day (I use my computer a lot).
I ran WhoCrashed, and it hints that ntoskrnl.exe has been the cause of most of them. What do I do?
On a less important note, just today my computer started randomly shutting down without warning, just every light turns and the whole thing is off, then when I turn it on I get a problem with the AC Adapter (???) . I think this might have to do with overheating since my laptop was burning at the time (I should say that I had been playing a lot of Mass Effect before it happened)
I'm getting blue screen'd, details above, haven't really installed a lot of things barring Mass Effect and some drivers for graphics cards, ntoskrnl.exe seems to be the cause, what do I do?
Thanks again!
Last edited by Derivative; 30 Dec 2010 at 14:05.