BSOD irql not less or equal please help
okay so i've started getting frequent BSOD's with the error irql_not_less_or_equal, i think it was. sometimes it would say driver_irql... so anyways, i would have all followed the BSOD posting instructions but i get a BSOD every time i try to run the exe file. anyways i havent installed any new software or hardware recently, and i bought my computer roughly a year ago, and installed windows 7x64 around half a year ago. the original OS was vista. I used bluescreenview on my other computer (the one that doesnt work now) and it said there was an error with some file that started with nto and was a kernel or somewhat.
so i attached my most recent minidumps, hoping you guys could find something out using just that.
again, i wasn't able to follow the posting instructions, except give you the basic information and the dumps, because i guess a BSOD whenever i try to complete the other steps.