Kurt, follow the tips I posted: re-install windows 7
Ask back if you have any questions. Someone is always here to help.
Kurt, follow the tips I posted: re-install windows 7
Ask back if you have any questions. Someone is always here to help.
I'm already following this atm Clean Install Windows 7
I'll read through your post while I wait. thanks for the help
Narrowed it down. After installing Nvidia 450 drivers and directx 9.0 it happend.
Well I just uninstalled all the nvidia drivers that came with the download (3d vision first, it crashed, audio second, crash) then I uninstalled the other 2 and it worked. Any ideas? If I uninstall directx 9 then reinstall the drivers (Didn't know they come with 11, my bad..) is that worth a try?
Ok it's def nvidia that is crashing me. The computer works like a charm when I uninstall the drives, I install them and boom it freezes.