BSOD 0x000000F4 (0x0000000000000003
Get BSOD on my PC, not sure why. 0x000000F4 (0x0000000000000003
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Intel i7 950 LGA1366 Processor
Asus Sabertooth x58 LGA 1366 board
EVGA Nvidia GTX 470 video card
Lite-On 4x Bluray iHOS104
Western Digital WD1002FAEX 1 TB 6.0 Gb/s SATA drive
I put in new SATA cables on optical drive and harddrive, ran two passes of memtest86+ and windows memory diagnostic tool, and two passes on the harddrive; all tested to be working fine. Tried to update bios, but said the current version was newer than the one i was going to put on. Really have no idea what to do from here.